Tuesday 28 May 2013

The New Generation Of Personal Development: The Dangerous Evolution The Self Help Industry

Reality comprises four layers. At the most superficial level, there is your environment. Personal development or "self help" has evolved greatly over the years. Today, self help has gotten to a point of critical mass. Self help is in greater demand than ever before, to the point where it's mixed in to everything. This our generation is likely to be the first who get to see self help billionaires. Some people hate self help, some people are self help junkies, but I'm going to talk about how personal development has evolved into what it is today, and I'm also going to share my views on where it's headed.
The Fore Fathers Of Self Help & The Era Of The Positive Mental Attitude
Napoleon hill is undoubtedly one of the main forefathers of the personal development industry. In 1937 he published the infamous book, "Think And Grow Rich." Which is the definitive manifesto on how to use your mind, and change your attitude to become rich. Norman Vincent Peale wrote, "The Power Of Positive Thinking". Probably the most famous book on having a positive mental attitude ever written. In 1956 Earl Nightengale create the first personal development audio program called, "The Strangest Secret". And his big message was that you become what you think about. What the authors of this generation had in common was that they focused on changing one's thoughts to change one's outcome... Their secret weapon to changing the way you thought was using affirmations to program your mind. These self help giants paved a way Tony Robbins was the Micheal Jordan of self help.
He mastered the art of commercializing self help. The last time I checked his Personal Power audio series was the best selling self help audio program in history, selling over 25 million copies He rose to fame by making bold moves in the industry that had never been done before. Some feats were impressive and amazing, like is famous fire walks, others garnered him a less than honorable reputation, like his use of infomercials. Either way, Tony changed the world of self help forever. And his secret weapon was NLP. (Neuro Linguistic Programing.) Unlike the old school self help gurus whose methods were more "positive thinking based," Tony was about shifting One of his major premises is that one's destiny is driven by one's emotional state, and this is controlled by your beliefs. After Tony Robbins, started to niche down and get more focused.
Soon, there was no "one size fits all guru". There was the money guru, and the relationship guru, and the fitness guru. No matter what niche of self help you are Selling the magic bullet Vs. Deep Identity Level Change David Deangelo I want to pay my respects to all of the thinkers that have come before my generation, because I would not have made the progress I've made without their hard work and insight.
Hey there for more tips check out my blog: http://succeedinyourpajamas.com

Saturday 25 May 2013

Creating Wealth Is Easier Than It Sounds

Practice. It's the magic that makes success possible.
Any person with a skill that others may consider to be amazing, got that way because of the many hours, days, weeks, and years they spent practicing - usually behind closed doors when nobody was watching.
Nobody becomes great at anything without a lot of practice.
Let's assume that you hold a vision of yourself as being a successful business owner. In your vision you see yourself sitting pretty and your business is running really well and life just could not be any better. Great!
That's a fabulous vision to hold, but how do you get there when you're life doesn't look anything like the vision you wish it could be?
Will it happen by accident? It could,in theory, but the odds are heavily stacked against you!
The strategy that works best and the one that is the most reliable of all, and is the one most people prefer to skip is; practice.
Now I realize that many of us had to practice things we simply didn't enjoy as kid, such as taking piano lessons. I doubt I had a single friend who enjoyed those lessons, and that could be why so many adults simply don't enjoy any form of practice today.
But practice can be fun, should be fun, and it should be something you look forward to doing every single day!
And honestly, other than having great luck, I simply can't point to any other strategy that works consistently, reliably, and produces more success stories than practicing every single day!
So let's get practical here. I know that you would love to be wealthier than you are right now. It's a great goal and one that is attainable by anybody willing to practice.
Most every person I meet at my seminars, in my office, or even on the street falls into this category. They have the dream, but never seem to make any progress on making it a reality.
When you look a little closer, you will notice that these very same people NEVER practice their skills in the area of creating wealth. They talk about it, they complain that they are not wealthy, and they may even feel a certain unfairness towards people who have become wealthy.
The result is that they will never progress, their lives will not improve, and in fact, their distress will only increase as they get older and their ability to earn money comes to a halt.
There is a better solution!
Being able to create wealth is a skill that MUST be practiced and perfected every single day. While many might believe that wealthy people are lucky, it's really skill that takes a person from rags to riches. It's a skill that is practiced and perfected, often over a period of years that creates the success most people crave.
To become great at anything, you have to do it again and again, you have to make the mistakes, learn from them, and keep perfecting your skills even when you think you're at the top of your game, you should know that there is always another level.
So what should you be focused on in order to practice your wealth-building skills?
Start with how you define wealth because it's different for everybody. What is YOUR definition of wealth?
Once you have an idea of what being wealthy means to you, spend some time thinking about your skills, what value you can bring to the marketplace, and try to map out a path that you believe will get you to where you want to be in life.
Be flexible, as your plans will change as you learn and perfect your skills along the way. And always remember that the path you find that leads you to creating wealth will be uniquely yours.
We are, after all, individuals with beliefs, skills, and life experiences unlike anybody else in the entire world, so it only makes sense that how you get there is going to be unique in nature.
Now getting yourself into the habit of practicing is the where you'll invest most of your time and the best strategy that I have ever found is being able to "stay in the conversation" of wealth creation as much as you possibly can. In other words, if you want something, you become good at it by thinking about it, reading about, talking with others about it, trying your hand it, and being involved in it as many waking hours as is possible.
This process is commonly called immersion and it's a critical piece of the wealth creation puzzle. You do not get good at something if you just dabble a little here and there. Dabblers never become great at anything. People who are focused on a goal and commit to practicing their skills often find success that even surprises them.
You want to be "all in" and you want to be sure that you're well- read, that you have surrounded yourself with people you can brain-storm with who will be supportive of you and not critical of you, and you want to be sure that you're in the game rather than watching from the sidelines.
When you do these things, and they are not hard to do, but they do require a commitment from you, you will see definite, measurable changes in your level of wealth. It may happen fast, it may take a while, but it will happen because that is the only true outcome for somebody who is dedicated to the cause!
Here's an example of this from my own life. A few years back I got the idea that I wanted to lose some weight. I knew that in order for that to happen that I had to become totally committed to the process. That meant that every bite of food had to be in alignment with losing weight. No cheating!
I began the process by learning about how I could improve my diet and food choices. Cooking was never a skill of mine so I needed strategies for preparing meals that I could do, and that I would do. Once I had that information, I next needed to make a commitment to making the kinds of changes that I needed to make in order to get my weight down.
I found a few people who were also looking for the same kinds of results, and I spent time with them as often as I could. We would check in with each other at least once a week and encourage each other to keep at it. This will prove to be very valuable for you too.
I remember that first week and how tough it really was for me. Eating in a new way, eating less, and eating foods that were a little foreign to me. But through practice, and doing it every day, I got better and better over time.
When I was eating out, I knew what I could order, what I should not order, and I asked my friends never to judge me by what they saw or didn't see on my plate and that I would give them the same respect in return.
It didn't take very long before I started seeing results. Five pounds gone inside of week, then ten, then twenty-five. Ultimately, I knocked off 63 pounds in about 6 months time, which was a complete and total surprise to me that I could drop that amount of weight using the knowledge I had gained.
I became a master at eating well and I got there by sticking to my plan, learning more and more as I went, and constantly refining what I was doing.
If you think that creating wealth is more complicated than losing weight, I'd like to tell you that for most people losing weight is infinitely more complex than creating wealth ever could be.
Now that you know what to do, it's time to create a plan and start doing it!
I look forward to seeing you on top of your game enjoying the life you were meant to live!
Robert Imbriale is the author of the best-selling book, Motivational Marketing. He is a successful business coach, and seminar leader who has helped hundreds of thousands of business owners create bigger, more successful businesses, and he can help you too. Get his free audio "Fail Your Way to Success" by going to http://www.UltimateWealth.com/free-audio.htm


Wednesday 22 May 2013

Why We Keep Commitments to Others, But Not to Ourselves

Last week, I received a call from a former client (let's call him Vince), inviting me to lunch. When we sat down, I asked him how he'd been doing in the year or so since we last worked together.
Vince told me, "I've been doing well, but I've got some challenges. In particular, there are some activities I know I must do in order to achieve my goals, but I'm just not doing them. I'm hoping you can help me push through my own resistance... to myself!"
Vince told me about three specific business-building activities he'd been avoiding. They were simple things, but they were outside his comfort zone. He was convinced that if he were to do these activities on a regular basis, he would see substantial growth in his business and income. What he said next, really struck me...
"I've tried to get myself to do these things," Vince said. "I know they're essential to my growth. But I can't make myself. I'm impeccable with my promises to my clients and others-when I tell someone I'll do something, I do it. But it's so much easier to break promises to myself."
Vince isn't alone. In 14 years of coaching, I've seen this over and over again. People who would never break a commitment to a client, a family member, or friend, have a hard time keeping commitments to themselves. Anyone who has ever resolved to lose weight, exercise more, or change any kind of habit, knows what I'm talking about.
So why is this-why do people so often fall down when it comes to keeping their commitments to themselves? I believe there are two reasons:
  • First, the commitments we make to ourselves frequently involve changing some kind of habit, whether it be adding a new habit or getting rid of an old one. We all run our lives by habits, and changing habits is tough.
  • Secondly, it's easier to break a promise to ourselves, because our accountability is "self-contained." When we break a promise to ourselves, we may feel we let ourselves down. We can also procrastinate or rationalize our behavior. But when we break a promise to someone else, we let two people down: the other person and ourselves. Plus, we may feel embarrassed and judged or branded as a flake or untrustworthy. What we think about ourselves privately is one thing, but most people dread being seen negatively by others.
So back to my client, Vince. Over lunch, he proposed a 60-day accountability challenge: he would commit to his three activities on a regular basis for the next two months and report to me by text message on a daily basis. And should he fail to keep to his word, he would suffer some penalties. Let's just say Vince put his money where his mouth was. So far, so good-he's been texting me every day and keeping to his commitments.
When it comes to making commitments or taking action, it can really help to have an accountability system or partner to keep you to your word. Some people think that they should be able to will themselves to do anything they want and that anything else is a sign of weakness. I look at it differently: We humans are wired to cooperate and draw strength and support from each other. When we make a commitment to someone else, it strengthens our resolve, not to mention the chances that we'll keep to our word. So, in my book, finding an accountability partner is a sign of strength.
Part of the value coaching provides is having a regular accountability relationship. Every day, I coach people to do the things they wouldn't do on their own. And guess what? 95 percent of the time, they do what they promise. Such is the power of accountability.
Phil Glosserman is a business coach, sales coach and executive coach, who works with business owners, salespeople, executives and other professionals. Since 1999, Phil has coached hundreds of individuals and companies to do what it takes to grow and better manage their business. He is the author of two business/sales books: Sell the Feeling and The Referral Code. Phil's Web site is http://coachphil.com


Sunday 19 May 2013

What Could Possibly Go Right? Don't Retreat - Reload

When you were in the first grade you thought things would be so much better when you got to the seventh grade. Once there, you discovered that life was full of more contradictions and uncertainties than you could have imagined. The opposite sex repulsed you and attracted you at the same time. Talk about confusion! And you couldn't figure out what happened to your parents. For your entire life they had been so considerate and intelligent - and somewhere between you're ninth and 13th birthday they became increasingly disagreeable and alarmingly stupid.
Then you started to imagine how things would really improve if you could just leave home and escape their silly rules and unpleasant criticisms. So you moved out and found a roommate and screamed with delight, "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last!"
Unfortunately, you soon discovered that you're over-controlling and humorless parents provided certain benefits that an often repulsive or inconsiderate roommate did not - like milk in the refrigerator, for instance.
Well, you're old enough now, so I'm going to let you in on a secret: Your parents thought that your idea to move out was a really good idea, even as they tried to talk you out of it. As you brooded and schemed in the privacy of your room, they talked late into the night saying things like, "Wow! When Junior is gone, it will be just you and me once again!" Each of you had the same thought, that life would be much more pleasant when you moved out.
You were both right about the benefits of you moving out, but you were both wrong about something else, that life would be easier. Life is never easy. Both the rich man and the poor man have money problems. Both the married woman and the single woman have trouble with relationships. Each season of life has benefits and each has difficulties. Each season of life is just like the one you experienced in the seventh grade: full of contradictions and uncertainties only without the pimples.
Life is a lot about walking through the pain, enduring the discord and believing that tomorrow will be better than today no matter how bad today is. And trust me; your tomorrows will improve if you improve today. Your tomorrows will be blessed if you will be a blessing today. And the next season of your life will be filled with triumphs and tears, long, wide highways and winding dangerous back roads, sunshine and storms.
It seems to me that life is not about giving up, surrendering to mediocrity or failure. No, life's not about retreating, it's about reloading. It's not about resting on your laurels or living off your dividends or walking away from responsibility. It's about learning from your mistakes, overcoming obstacles and being ready, willing and able to "take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again."* Don't retreat, reload.
*PICK YOURSELF UP, From the Film: Swing Time 1936 (Lyrics by: Dorothy Fields / Music by: Jerome Kern)
©2013 Ron Ross
To read all of Dr. Ross' essays titled "What Could Possibly Go Right", visit http://www.RonRossToday.com. Send comments to Dr.Ross@RonRossToday.com.


Tuesday 14 May 2013

Your Life Can Only Get Better When You Get Better

If you change your thoughts, you can change your life.
What do you spend your waking time thinking about? Do you think of ways to improve and get better or do you think of all the reasons why it won't work? Or do you think about it as someone else's responsibility?
Thoughts to Get Started On:
1. Change the way you think about things. Think like a winner.
2. Imagination is the key to creating that new life and that new reality that you want. Use your God-given imagination.
Fact on how the human brain works: Whatever you can imagine and dream about, you can develop the abilities and talents to make that a reality through discipline.
3. Let go of the past and move on. So many of us are living in the past that we can never enjoy the present through anger, fear, doubt, and unforgiveness.
4. All you need to live the life you want, to achieve and have the things you like to have, and to change your life the way you want it to change is already inside of you right now. You just have to learn how to tap into it, how to develop it and bring it out.
God blessed all of us with talents and gifts that we haven't really fully utilized or many times we don't even understand that we have them.
Two exciting words for me are: Beginning and Becoming.
You can make a decision to have a new beginning. Life becomes exciting. Tomorrow is a fresh new day to be the man or woman that you are meant to be. Then, start becoming to be the person you want to be.
There are some pitfalls:
1. Fear of Change - Your success is directly related to your ability to handle uncertainty. The greater uncertainty you can handle, the greater your success can be.
2. Stop Growing - Learn to compete with yourself not with others. Complete and not compete with others.
3. Loss of Self-Belief - We stop believing that it's possible for us to make things happen. It takes time, discipline, energy and support.
"How do I get better?"
If you are going to be successful in creating the life of your dreams, you have to BELIEVE that you are capable of making it happen.
Belief is a major concept. Belief becomes fact. Whatever you believe to be true is true.
Believe in yourself - that deep-seated belief that you have what it takes.
Believing in yourself is a choice. It makes no difference where you are or what is happening to you. It's an attitude that you develop over time.
You must choose to believe that you can do whatever you set your mind to; anything at all because in fact, YOU CAN.
From the latest brain research, you can learn almost anything if you have:
1. Proper training
2. Coaching - have someone to hold you accountable.
3. Practice - it's up to you to take action.
One thing you have to learn to give up is using the words "I CAN'T". It disempowers and weakens you.
3 Things You Must Have to Be Able to Change for the Better:
1. Willingness to learn.
2. Teachable spirit.
3. Open mind.
Change your Belief System.
Change your attitude - not a positive attitude because it is difficult to be positive 365 days a year 24 hours a day but have a winning attitude.
Confidence-Building Strategies:
1. Everyday remind yourself that you can do it.
2. Read inspiring biographies. Read about people who have done what you want to do.
3. Be thankful and grateful.
4. Build excellent support. Have people around you that encourage you and challenge you.
5. Push yourself to reach your short-term goals.
"Future intentions determine present actions."
4 Principles in Developing Relationship (with yourself):
1. Everyone can be motivated in some way.
2. People do things for their reasons not yours.
3. Overextension of a strength becomes a weakness. Take time to relax, reflect, recharge and refresh.
4. You do not motivate people; you create an environment where they can be self-motivated.
Successful people know they must compete with themselves not with others.
Make today a little bit better than yesterday; make tomorrow a little bit better than today.
Personal growth
You will never outgrow the limits you place on yourself.
Why is it that some people are able to achieve so much more out of their lives than others?
Why are some people able to produce such outstanding even extraordinary results?
Is it because they have a lot more talent?
What they have is STRONG BELIEFS.
This gives them extraordinary strengths to fight on against all odds and win.
Your belief defines your expectation.
If you believe that ___________________ then that is what you will expect from yourself.
If you believe that something is impossible that it cannot be done, will you take action? The answer is NO.
Medical science has proven the human mind cannot tell the difference between actual experience and what is vividly imagined.
Whatever we choose to believe becomes true for us.
Let this be your moment of change.
This is just one of the lessons that you will learn from my home-study program called 7 Weeks to a Better You. It consists of 7 life-changing principles with steps and tools that you can apply straight away in different areas of your life. For more info, go to http://www.7weekstoabetteryou.com.


Saturday 11 May 2013

Positive Affirmations Can Help You Become Less Defensive

Have you ever been having a chat with someone and they say something that triggers a very defensive remark from you? I'm sure we have all done this at some time. Some do it more than others. Then that friend looks puzzled. These are often called triggers to negative affirmations that we have developed over time and we do this often as a survival mechanism. Affirmations are words or thoughts that create a belief system deep within our subconscious that we feel are crucial to our survival. It's known as a conditioned response. That belief system is not always a true representation of the world around us. It develops from: positive and negative life experiences; parents; teachers; peers; the TV and the media. Prejudice is probably the most extreme negative response example.
So how does a negative response to a positive thought such as "I am a good person" affect us in life? The first thing we need to do is understand what those bad thoughts are such as "I'm a bad person" and why they became triggers for us. These affirmations can work in our best interest or they can work against us. Imagine being in an interview and the interviewer asks how did you handle a difficult situation. "Well, I walked away and sent someone else to deal with it as I have a serious issue with confrontation. It's because my mum and dad argued all the time. It scared me." "Oh so you would not be able to do the job if faced with a difficult situation." Now I'm not saying that is exactly what you might say in an interview. It could develop an uncomfortable feeling within you and your reply of dealing with a difficult situation may not sound so congruent. You will want to respond with confidence and a sincere reply. We do not always voice the automatic response from our subconscious. However, it's there knocking on the door changing the way you say something, how you come across to others and it could show in your body language.
How do you use affirmations and what can you expect to happen? Well, I really enjoy searching for affirmations, motivational and inspirational quotes on the internet in the morning to post on any Social Media sites. Its' good to see it in black and white, which makes me feel pretty good. Then other people like my affirmations or quotes and that just doubles the happy sensation for me. This is having a positive response to positive affirmations, which has been accepted by my subconscious. The positive response to "I'm a good person" is feeling I am a good person. I feel good.
So what happens when you have a negative response to a positive affirmation? A negative response to "I'm a good person" will not feel very nice. Your subconscious may be fighting back and letting you know it feels threatened. Over the years of working with people with addiction, I've noticed how they are full of feelings of wanting to really change and even after detoxification, they go back to their addictive behaviour. Then they are miserable again. The happiness is fleeting. Even though it's bad to misuse alcohol and the person knows this; the subconscious believes that this is important to survival. It's dysfunctional thinking. Many people will challenge this and make the changes in their lives that they want no matter what negative feelings they are receiving from within. In the case of addiction I recommend medical assistance. However, dealing with the mental challenges is an excellent way to fight back against this faulty thinking.
I know it takes a lot of time and energy to re-examine your belief system. That's how affirmations can help. Think of it in simple terms. If you find a positive affirmation that, when said out loud, makes you feel good, your subconscious is accepting it as true. When your positive affirmation triggers a negative response, then you know that this may need to be challenged.
How can you challenge these negative responses? Just follow these 3 tips and turn those responses in to positive ones. This is the time to change and challenge any defensive responses you are experiencing. Life could be a lot more fun and your social relationships will benefit enormously from it. So here they are:
  1. Find a positive quotation or affirmation that looks good to you, and then try it out. "I look fabulous." Replace this with something you would like to change about yourself. Say it every morning and just note how you feel when you say it. If it's a great feeling then you are accepting you look fabulous. If it's bad feeling, then challenge it.

  2. Challenging negative responses to positive affirmations. It's simple: just keep doing it until the feeling becomes a positive response. It will happen eventually. Repetition is a very powerful tool for most things including changing your mindset. Things take time and I know we want an instant result but changing belief systems takes time. It'll all be worth it.

  3. If you are feeling strong negative emotions. I recommend that you seek professional help, which can help you to decide how to begin to heal within.
I'm feeling very excited for you that you are embarking on a journey that will help you to begin to respond in a positive way and not have your day ruined by those unpleasant feelings. A positive affirmation for you: "I believe in myself." Say it out loud and see how wonderful you will feel in time.
My name is Amanda Hemers and it is my passion to share inspirational stories, emails, videos, e-books and personal development courses. I have been inspiring and coaching many people from all walks of life to be empowered for over 10 years. It is my goal to inspire and support people to achieve their dreams. Over 20 years I have been working through many personal development programmes finding the best sources and mentors in the business. I want to share all this information with you and support you on your journey to success and happiness. If you would like to know more then you can visit my website at http://www.your-right-to-happiness.com and I'll be giving you 4 free ebooks full of tips and actions for you to start your journey.


Wednesday 8 May 2013

Importance Of Discipline In Life

Discipline is freedom. Lots of people disagree with this statement, because for them discipline is just a word that means excessive work and absence of freedom. This is so far from the truth! Think of the freedom you have when you speak a foreign language! It might have taken you extra effort to learn another language, but this is a skill that definitely pays off and widens your possibilities of achieving greater success in life.
Self-discipline involves acting according to what you think instead of how you feel. Often you have to sacrifice pleasures for things that really matter in life. A great example of self-discipline that comes in my mind is going to the gym when all you want to do is lie on the couch and watch TV. Or maybe say "no" to that tempting chocolate donut when you are on a diet.
We live in a world where temptations are everywhere. We never get bored. We have so much entertainment! We have TV, video games, sports, you name it. No wonder people struggle to focus on their work. Have you ever asked yourself why should you do something which is hard and boring, when you can do something that is easy and fun instead?
Well... the reality is that you don't have to work hard and you don't have to do boring tasks. No one is forcing you to do that. But if you don't do it, you will have to suffer the consequences. Why? Because the things that are worth having in life, the things that have real value, are often the things that require time, effort and hard work. But if we live in a society that makes having fun so easy, how can we focus on obtaining the things that really matter in life? The answer to this question is discipline. Discipline will help you resist the temptation of playing video games when you need to do your homework, or you need to concentrate on something that really matter and add value to your life.
From a different point of view discipline doesn't mean that you can't have fun in life. We all need time for fun and entertainment, but there must be a balance between work and play. Self discipline requires lots of hard work and a strong will. It is basically like any other skill in life. At first it is hard, but the more you practice, the stronger and easier it will become. In other words, the more you discipline yourself to resist the temptations of life, the more your self-discipline will strengthen.
If you struggle with self-discipline, the good news is that you can work on it. You can develop your self-discipline by analyzing yourself and determining your goals, dreams and ambitions. Remember that discipline means that you have to do what is best for you, regardless of how you feel. Be aware of what you are doing and what you are not doing. In other words, be aware of your undisciplined behavior and stop it before it happens.
Writing down your goals is a great idea, but it is not enough. You must make an internal commitment to your goals. You need to make a conscious decision to follow through on what you say you are going to do. There will be times when you will be faced with extreme obstacles and setbacks. They will make you reconsider your ability to accomplish your dreams. They will make you come up with excuses to procrastinate. They will make you feel hopeless, powerless, and frustrated. These are the times when you will find out what you're really made of. These are the moments you will find out just how much you want your dreams. These are the times when your character is built.
Self-discipline is not an easy task and requires a lot of courage. Pleasures and passions are powerful enemies. It is easy to stay focused when things are easy. It's when things get tough and aren't going your way; these are the times when you need to focus. Your discipline will help you stay focused on what matters during those moments. What you choose to focus on when things get tough will determine everything. In today's society that is made up of largely undisciplined and lazy people, having strong self discipline will give you an enormous advantage in life.
Did you learn from this article? Besides self discipline and general adolescent care, the author is involved in youth health awareness and family planning. Visit the website to learn more.


Sunday 5 May 2013

5 Steps to Chase Your Dreams

One life, one breath, one heart that is all we have. Never waste it, or disregard its value. Any amount of wealth could never surmount the priceless opportunity that life provides us with. You can amass gold mountains of them, but you can never trade the amount of breaths left for you to make a difference.
Therefore I bid you to chase your dreams, to go after what truly counts & leave the rest behind those are not your work. Your task is to find what matters in your life whether it's to save a nation, campaign for animal welfare or teaching a student. Just do it!
Never before are we given the ample time, ideas and other resources all within easy reach. Want a company? Google and get one done in a day all with a set of the most competent employees, facilities and even toll-free number. In this century it always your turn, you have noone to blame if your life currently sucks.
What you need to do is list down the ideas that truly counts in the back of your mind. What you regards as your own unique voice, an angle or perspective you have about the world that makes you the only unique soul out there. What makes you qualified to join the ranks of the extra-ordinary soul? Simple! Find out your unique perspective.
Let me list down the steps that can help you bring out your greatest potential, pay attention class is in session:
  1. Stop living a lie, start to live the life. This is the toughest part, it requires you to be aware that you are part of a system, you breathe, you think you believe what the system wants you to. Be aware that you are like a fish within a bowl, if I asked you what are you swimming in? You would think I'm crazy. Calm down, realize that the system was set long ago by powerful people who wanted control, conformity and power from submissive workers.

  2. Dream your dreams into reality. Pretend that you are currently dreaming, and I am like the dude from INCEPTION who is trying to steal the most valuable ideas from your mind. Tell me all of your most valuable ideas, the ideas you doubted what if you shifted the lens of doubt to a new set of lens called positive obsession. What if no matter what you have to turn them into gold, you have to make your reality suit your dreams? Henry Ford was repeatedly told by his workers that it was simply impossible to make a V8 Engine work. Well the name of the game is persistence, keep trying and never give up!

  3. A shift in perspective is all you need. Our lives are filled with moments of triumph, success and happiness but there is also trouble, gloom and misery. Up & Down, negatives and positives. However moments are moments, they are not an influence to your perspective you choose how you see things. One man's suicide bomber is another man's martyr. Pick the right one and the dreams will fall into place.

  4. Turn negative feedback into a positive autobiography. No matter how good, virtuous and kind you are there will always be the jerk. His job is to mess your game up, he's simply there mocking your deeds. It is up to you to register it as a pain in your mind or re-frame it as an event that will be part of your greatest triumph in personal history. Stand up to the jerks & Keep chasing your dreams!

  5. If you don't live your dreams how do you expect your children to look up to you? At the end of your life wouldn't it be sad knowing that the wisdom you are trying to preach to the younger generations are neglected simply because you never had the guts to step up to live your own childish dreams. As children we need grown ups who we can look up to, who are like us but have had the courage to keep our dreams alive. Do it for the kids!
I urge you now; be silly, be childish be foolish but never stop chasing what truly counts!
"It is never about the amount of materials we make but about the amount of dreams we can bring into reality."
Omar Al-Attas
Read more free articles by visiting my blog here: http://omaattas.wordpress.com


Thursday 2 May 2013

Luck Is Defined As: When Preparation Meets Opportunity

Any great fisherman knows that you cannot catch a good fish without the right bait and a lot of time on your hands. When you fish, you set time aside, and you have the right tools for the job. After that, all you do is pay attention to the conditions, get a good feel for the weight and balance of the fishing pole, and then know when to reel in the catch. Luck could be thought to be the same way; you have to be prepared to catch it, because it can easily slip away from you just as quickly as it tugged on your line.
Innovation Where You Least Expect It
Of course, these days anyone can go to a grocery store and buy a fish from the seafood section, but it was not always that easy. There was a time when men and women had to catch their own dinner, and then one day, some of those fishermen realized that they could sell what they caught. They saw that people wanted food, and were willing to trade other items for it. That was an innovative move, and even though it seems basic to us now, it was a huge step up back then.
What the Past Tells Us
If those fishermen could turn the act of catching fish into something bigger, then it is possible to do the same in your life, but it all comes from being able to provide something important. Whether that "something" happens to be a great product that you personally create, your own hard work, or a brand that you recognize as being high value, the only important fact is going to be how you can use it to get what you want.
Predicting the Future
We can never exactly know what lies ahead, but we can "future-proof" ourselves by understanding what made those first fishermen such great successes. They worked hard, day in and day out, to get a product that they needed, and recognized an opportunity when they saw one.
Supply, Demand, and You
Even as markets change and advance, they remain based on these principles to this very day, and it will be that exact idea of having something of value and recognizing the opportunity that will create what some people may call "being lucky". However, it's really the result of hard work and the persistent small actions that achieve progress. All it takes is a little bait, awareness, and patience.
Doug Dvorak is the CEO of DMG Inc., a worldwide organization that assists clients with productivity training, corporate humor and workshops, as well as other aspects of sales and marketing management. Mr. Dvorak's clients are characterized as Fortune 1000 companies, small to medium businesses, civic organizations and service businesses. Mr. Dvorak has earned an international reputation for his powerful educational methods and motivational techniques, as well as his experience in all levels of business, corporate education and success training. http://www.dougdvorak.com
