Thursday 31 October 2013

Always Grateful, Always Happy.

Perhaps these ideas can help you start your own Gratitude list or Journal.........

Your Finances

Do you feel you have enough? Do you think it's managed well? Do you feel lack of money is affecting other areas?

Your Work Life

Do you enjoy your job? What parts do you like? Where is it taking you? Is there any part of you still wanting more from your job? In what way?

Your Love Life/ Social Life

Do you feel fulfilled and happy in this area? Do you feel loved and accepted for who you are? Have you got great friends?

Your Goals

Do you have goals? Do you have a sense of where you are headed and do you know how to get there?

To Claim This PDF In Full Go To The Link Below

Monday 28 October 2013

Willie Jolley: Motivational Speaker, Entertainer & Author

Willie Jolley is America' s premier motivational speaker, singer and author... inspiring millions with music and motivation! Willie Jolley is truly a renaissance man; an award winning speaker, singer, best selling author, national media personality and national columnist... all in one!!

Friday 25 October 2013

The Open Ended Question

What is the purpose of the open-ended question and how can you use it to generate infinite possibilities?
The purpose of the open-ended question is simply a way to help you detach from an outcome. Detaching from an outcome allows for the generation of infinite possibilities. The open ended questions help switch the filter of the brain's RAS (Reticular Activation System) which then allows you to change what is embedded and create something new in your reality.
What if you have embedded in your brain that you wanted a brand new Lexus but you had no idea how you would ever be able to own one.
  • They cost so much money.
  • You don't make enough money.
  • You have too much debt.
  • You can't get a loan.
  • You are so depressed.
  • I can't have anything I want.
  • I really want that Lexus. It's on my vision board. I think about every day. I do affirmations. It's still not here.
  • I can only get the Lexus if my ex husband pays me the money he owes me. He is such a jerk. I'm never going to get that Lexus.
  • If I do get the Lexus, the interest is probably going to be too high. With the economy its going to cost too much in gas money.
As you can gather this is the sort of thing that goes on in our head as we see the things around us that we would like to have in our realty. So what is one way we can change our RAS about owning a Lexus?
Notice what you would like to show up in your life. Write something about it. Cut out a picture. Put it on your vision board. Make a mind movie or a power point. Imagine what it feels like to have it or be it (depending on what you would like).
Be grateful for the things you do have etc.
As you are looking at your vision board, mind movie, power point, saying your affirmations, acknowledge I'm going to have this or be this some day no matter where I live or what I am doing, this is mine.
Detach from the outcome - as above where you are trying to solve how its going to come and it can only come if this or that, or it can't show up because - totally detach from the outcome.
To to this - is simple - ask an open-ended question - it's like letting go and letting God.
In the book Jewel of Jamari, Sebastian (who is really God/Spirit) teaches Jamari one question to use to teach him how to detach from an outcome and to lose his limitations. This question is a great tool for allowing you to do just that - let go - and allow in the flow. What would it take for____________________ to show up in my life? and then add or better under the most joyous circumstances.
So in this example it would be: What would it take for a Lexus to show up in my life or better in the most joyous of ways?
When you ask this question you allow your brain to shift focus and filtering gears and it will allow other possibilities to start presenting themselves to you. It's your job to pay attention and follow the leads that are presented to you. You may for instance start getting emails about Lexus cars or seeing them everywhere, that is good, take note because that means you are changing your filtering system to look for the way for the Lexus to show up in your life.
When we add or better this allows for the things we may not of even dreamed of that we would love in addition. When we add in the most joyous circumstance, well we wouldn't want grandma to pass away and leave us her Lexus or for us to be in a car accident and be paralyzed but get a settlement to be able to by a Lexus.
Can you feel the shift in your vibration from that question? A lightness about it where there was previously heaviness as you couldn't perceive how it could become reality. The question puts you in a place of allowance so you become a magnet to attract what you desire. When you are attached to something you repel it. When you are detached you call it forth.
So, you, the deliberate creator that you are, as you set sail on your ship called infinite possibilities towards the horizon, what are some of the things that you would like to show up in your life or better, and what would it take for them to show up in your life under the most joyous circumstances?
For more information on conscious creation and if you wish to learn how to generate infinite possibilities so that you can create a new reality go to

Tuesday 22 October 2013

How to Create a New Self Image That Supports You

How your self image affects you, your decisions and actions unconsciously.................

Have you noticed that there are people who seem to get all the breaks without putting any effort into anything and there are people who work so hard and always fall short of their goal?

Sometimes you look at a person and you think they have perfect ideal look or talents to be someone special, but then you see someone who you wouldn't give them a second look or even take them serious, but it is the second person who ends up becoming the most successful while the first person is just average and ordinary.

Why is that? What makes some people stand out when everything is against them to succeed then the one with all the opportunities let it slip through their fingers?

To Read The Complete PDF In Full Click The Link:

Saturday 19 October 2013

The Quest! Marianne Williamson Deepak Chopra Stephen Covey Th

The Quest - Discovering Your Human potential ! Marianne Williamson / Deepak Chopra / Thomas Moore Stephen Covey / Dr Bernie Siegel / David Whyte

Tuesday 15 October 2013

5 Key Ingredients in the Recipe for Your Success

When baking something for the first time, it's often important to have a recipe handy to give you some idea of what ingredients are needed and in what quantities. When working on something new and perhaps bigger than what you've done in the past, there are some essential ingredients to include as well:
Your desire and motivation form the basis of your recipe. Only your decision and your choice will allow you to make the necessary changes and/or take the necessary steps. Why would you push yourself to achieve something that doesn't really matter to you or that you don't really care about that much? So before you go any further, focus on getting clear on what you want, deep down, and what makes it so important to you. It's important here to pay attention to what's important to YOU - not the goals that other people will set for you since they won't be nearly as captivating.
Many people have goals that they would like to achieve, but without taking purposeful and persistent action, the likelihood of reaching them isn't likely. And just having the "necessary" information may not always be enough. For example, personal trainers know how to exercise. When they would like an extra push, they will sometimes work with other personal trainers. Coaches also often work with other coaches for motivation, intensity and accountability. It's also very helpful to have someone paying attention to the areas you may be blind to in order to draw attention to areas where you might be sabotaging your success.
As discussed earlier, your own motivation is the biggest factor of your success. But what about those days when you are tempted to give up? When the challenges threaten to push your motivation aside and you just don't feel like doing anything? What or who will push you to do what you need to do in those moments? Having positive people to turn to who can empathize with you but not buy in to your doubts and negative moments can be enormously successful. Having a personal library with inspirational books, images, newsletters and quotes that you can turn to is also a key factor. Relying on your initial motivation alone is not sufficient.
If you keep doing what you've always done and cling to it even when it's not working for you, nothing is going to change. On the other hand, If you really, really want to change things, open yourself up to the possibilities of doing different things and doing things differently. This means not automatically dismissing ideas that don't fit with the way you've always done things. This means not assuming that the way you've always done things is the best way. It means paying attention to your blind spot. You can do this through journaling or speaking with a close friend, coach or mentor who might be able to help you see what you are unable to see on your own. By its very definition, seeing what's in your blind spot can be very difficult to do on your own.
Building on the previous point, each person learns and is motivated differently. What works best for someone else may not be the right choice for you. Pay attention to where you excel and where you find yourself challenged. Set up the structure and system that works best for you, often a process that is developed through some trial and error. Look at where you are holding yourself back, and try to figure out the real reasons for this so that you can address them and move forward.
With the key ingredients of strong personal motivation + structure & accountability + positive reinforcement + an open mind + personal awareness = increased likelihood of true personal and inner success.
What other ingredients for success would you add?
Visit to sign up for your complimentary booklet, "9 strategies to break free of the anxiety that drains your soul - and become the person you were meant to be".

Saturday 12 October 2013

The 7 Keys to Success

What are you doing with your life? Would you say you are living your dream or are you living from hand to mouth, making the best of things; just getting to the next week; what we might call existing rather than living?

If you are living your dream, then well done; you are truly on the road to success. If you are not living your dream - or even if you have no dream at present - then do not despair because this little book was written for you. We are going to help you find your dream, develop it and then to actually achieve it!

To live a truly successful life, you do need to first have a dream. As Carl Sandburg, American historian, poet and novelist put it, "nothing happens unless first a dream".

If you think about it, nothing at all now exists within our experience of physical reality that did not first exist in the mind of the person who made it or brought it into being. In all cases, everything is created twice; the physical creation follows the mental creation.

To succeed, you must have a dream,  or you may prefer to call it a vision, and you must commit yourself to it's ultimate fulfilment - that is the essence of the mental creation. 

Here is one of the real secrets of success;

To Read More Click The Link Below

Wednesday 9 October 2013

The "It's all about grAtitude!" Project

Award-winning speaker, singer, best-selling author and media personality Willie Jolley interviews Theuns Serfontein from Free State, South Africa and Steve Vernon from Florida, USA, about their "grAtitude!" board and card game and the "It's all about grAtitude!" project. The project is being launched in stages, beginning with an online apparel and gift store at featuring hundreds of items that feature over 50 of Steve's original graphic designs. The store can be customized to provide residual income streams for non-profit organizations.

Sunday 6 October 2013

20 Tips and Tools to Develop Your Self-Esteem

Self Esteem can grow and develop in the same way you grow a physical muscle. It needs practice and repetition. When you go to the gym and exercise, you do it regularly and repeatedly, until one day you will notice the difference in the physical shape of your body. This is the same for developing any emotional/personality skill. Only here you practice mental /emotional exercise instead of physical exercise, but the results are the same.
Self-esteem is about choosing to accept ourselves in spite of any insufficiencies and failures. It is a mental choice. It is important to realize the benefits of promoting healthy self-esteem that lead to mental well-being, resilience and assertiveness.
It is worth repeating the fact that your own thoughts perhaps have the biggest impact on your self-esteem, and these thoughts are within your control.
20 Tips & TOOLS:
1-Change Your Thoughts:
Higher self esteem starts when you change your thinking. It starts when you realize that it is possible, and within your own abilities. The fact that your self-esteem is low means that you had learned or you conditioned yourself by repetition, to see yourself with low self-esteem. This same fact also means by the same process of learning you can learn, or actually re-learn, to reverse this type of learning and instead learn a new pattern of thinking. Learn to see yourself with higher self-esteem.
2- Reverse Triggers of Low Self Esteem:
Whenever we hear criticism or feel bad about something wrong we did, we tend to personalize this experience as negative and therefore, start to develop low self-esteem. This pattern must be reversed by focusing instead on positive things. Start by focusing on positive aspects of yourself that outweighs those negative thoughts. Reflect on mistakes as learning opportunities. Accept the fact that mistakes are inevitable, and everyone does mistakes. You can reframe your negative thoughts and adopt positive thinking. The moment you begin to develop low self-esteem about anything, stop and say:" No, I am not going to accept this negative thought about myself. I can see the good in me". Treat yourself with kindness and encouragement. Forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes and mistakes aren't permanent reflections on you as a person. They're isolated moments in time. Tell yourself, "I made a mistake, but that doesn't make me a bad person."
3-Avoid Situations and Institutions that Undermine Self-Esteem:
Avoid negative people because they are not good for you. Avoid loud and aggressive people if you are timid. Negative people have negative energy that can reflect on you. According to Brian Tracy "Avoid negative people at all costs. They are the greatest destroyers of self confidence and self-esteem."
4-Write Goals as SMART, and Make Sure That You Really Want to Achieve These Goals:
Think about what you'd like to accomplish, and then make a plan for how to do it. Stick with your plan and keep track of your progress. According to Thomas Carlyle:" Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment."
5-Use Relaxation & Stress Management Techniques: Meditation & relaxation are very important for our lives, even for our self-esteem. These techniques will promote positive hormones in your body, including serotonin that will stimulate good mood and feeling good about yourself.
6- Use Positive Affirmations:
These are short positive statements about yourself. By continually repeating affirmations with conviction and passion, you will overcome the strongest resistance. Saying to yourself "I totally accept myself"," I like myself", "I can appreciate myself", over and over, can build your self-esteem. Repeat this several times every day.
7-Each Day, Write Down Three Things About Yourself That Make You Happy:
Write a daily journal about good things you did. Write about your passions. Write about small goals or tasks that keep your motivation high. Write the compliments that you have received as well. Write your daily diary. Reminding yourself of all your assets is a sure confidence booster.
8- Aim for Accomplishments Rather Than Perfection:
Perfection should not be a goal. Think of your ability, not of what you can't achieve.
9- Change Your Physiology:
Work out and exercise regularly. Physical exercise will improve your physical appearance. Your physical health is directly and positively linked to your emotional health. Substantial research supports the theory that good health can lead to good emotions. When you exercise you'll relieve stress, and be healthier and happier. Exercise produces endorphins that help you feel better.
10- Find a Counselor:
Counselors and therapists have different tools to handle deep stress and other emotional problems. It's never too late to build healthy, positive self-esteem. In some cases where the emotional hurt is deep or long lasting, it can require the help of a mental health professional, like a counselor or therapist. These experts can act as a guide, helping people learn to love themselves and realize what's unique and special about them.
11- Future Pace:
Look into the future, sometime like 6 months from now, one year, or 2 years into the future, and imagine yourself having high self-esteem. Imagine surviving big challenges, which will make you stronger and more resilient. We face self-doubt. We even sometimes face despair. These are the fires that temper our inner steel, giving us confidence that, when we face pain that may come in the future, we are capable of surviving. This knowledge in turn gives us a greater sense of self-esteem.
12- Talk And Express Yourself:
Talk to a close friend about this issue. Don't be afraid to tell what is inside you. Join self-help groups & support groups. Subscribe to forums that have relevant support groups.
13- Personal History: Although the process is comprehensive and takes some time, here I want you to practice the simple part of it. Go back to your past, to one event that caused you mild pain and low self-esteem. Stop at that incident and ask yourself: what do I learn from this event? This new learning will enable you to get rid of that negative emotion associated with that event. The learning has to be positive, about yourself and for the future. This learning will enable you to disconnect with that experience, to be free emotionally from that negative experience. Do this technique only if the experience is mild and not severe. If it is severe, called a severe emotional experience (SEE), please don't do this exercise unless under the supervision of a master therapist. All you need is to remember the event and associate a new learning with it.
14- Pretend That You Already Have High Self Esteem:
Stand up straight and walk with your head up. Raise your chin 3 cm when you walk up. This stance will increase your sense of self-value. You'll make a positive impression on yourself and others and instantly feel more alert and empowered.
15- Reward Yourself When You Succeed:
Treat yourself to something nice. Rewarding yourself will keep your motivation high.
16- Stop Comparing Yourself with Others:
Unfair comparisons are damaging to self-esteem. Low-self esteem stems from the feeling of being inferior. Inferiority is marginal. Stop comparing yourself with others and only measure your success by your own criteria based on your abilities and available options.
17- Take Advantage of Workshops, Books and Download Programs on Self-Esteem:
Whatever material you allow to dominate mind will eventually take root and affect your behavior. If you watch negative television programs or read bad news; you will grow cynical and pessimistic. Similarly, if you read books or listen to programs, that are positive in nature, you will take on these characteristics.
18- Take Good Care of Your Appearance:
Dress in clothes that make you feel good about yourself.
19 - Learn Something New:
Develop a sense of curiosity. Learning is about growing. Try to learn a new hobby or a new skill or whatever is interesting to you. When you learn something new, you would feel better and more fulfilled.
20- Do Something Physical:
Get out of the house. Go for a walk. Clean out a closet. Visit the nature preserve. Go outdoor. Do some activities that keep you away from thinking all the time about yourself.
I know that you can change your self and have healthy self-esteem, but it is not as easy as I portrayed it. It will take time, and needs patience and determination on your part. However, if you take action today, right now, you may be pleasantly surprised by the results. The results may come easier and faster than you may think.
Good luck!
For complete details about self esteem, please refer to

Thursday 3 October 2013

3 Quick Tips To Start Your Day Off Right!

Every day there are certain habits and mindsets we start the day off with. Unfortunately, most people don't realize that if they did these 3 things each morning their days would start off MUCH better.

What you'll find within this ebook are some very quick and actionable strategies to get each day off on the right foot. They don't take much time, and they will support you in living an awesome life.

A word of caution though.....

Do not mistake their simplicity, or their quickness, for effectiveness. This is one example where the fastest and simplest possibilities will create tremendous results in your life.

If you commit to doing these 3 things each day for the next 30 days, I am confident you'll see meaningful and surprising results!

Here you go.... 

To Read The Complete PDF Click The Link.....