Sunday 28 April 2013

How to Find Your Purpose in Life: A Real-LIfe Example of How One Successful Entrepreneur Did It

Richard Leider, a leading authority and author of numerous books on how to find your purpose in life wrote in The Power of Purpose:
If our purpose is genuine enough, it involves us deeply and orders all areas of our life. We begin to eliminate what is irrelevant and what is so much clutter. A simplification takes place, and we achieve a clarity as to what we're about. We don't need to pretend to be what we're not. What is of real importance stands out more clearly.
As a success coach, I hear a lot of stories of from those who take this advice to heart. Here's one I want to share with you to illustrate you how once you answer the question "What is my purpose?", the steps you need to take to achieve it becomes very clear. As Leider so eloquently said, we begin to eliminate what is irrelevant.
Finding Your Purpose In Life: How It Changed Everything for This Successful Business Owner
This entrepreneur owned a successful real estate business. Though she loved her profession, it wasn't a burning desire. What she really wanted to do was write; she'd known that since she was a small child. Realizing that she'd always loved the water (the ocean), she said she also wanted to live someplace where she could see it day in and day out. Her third goal was to travel.
However, everything she was doing in life was taking her away from what her real passions were in life. For example, lived in a land-locked, cosmopolitan city with no ocean near; she owned investment properties, which left her with very little time to escape to some place near the water and write; let alone travel for months at a time.
Finding Your Passion in Life: The Value of Having a Life Plan
One day, she said she actually sat down and wrote out her life plan. Upon seeing in black and white that she was working against herself on almost every level, she decided to make some drastic changes.
She sold her real estate holdings, started an online business that gave her the flexibility to work from anywhere and settled on a small Caribbean island where she wrote every day.
Now, this didn't happen overnight, and she said she lived a "lower standard" of living than she had before. While her friends and family thought she'd lost her mind on some level, she said she'd never been happier.
Stress: The Silent Killer
As a side bonus, she said she also lost 30 pounds (without really trying) and felt more content.
As an aside, one real drawback of not "living your life on purpose" is stress. It's a silent killer. It's a major contributing factor - directly and/or indirectly - to a whole host of diseases, eg, coronary artery disease, cancer, respiratory disorders, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide, which is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S.
Back to our entrepreneur - she not only asked the question, "what is my purpose in life," she answered it and took definitive action. And this is what Leider meant when he said when you know your purpose -- a simplification takes place... what is of real importance stands out more clearly.
Success: The Easy Part of Living Your Life on Purpose
As a success coach, I can tell you, success also becomes that much more likely - because you're fueled by your very spirit, your heart, your soul, your being. Because of this, you have the energy you need to do what you may have thought was impossible before.
So spend some time digging inside to find your purpose in life - and get busy pursuing it. It's a choice you'll never regret - as I've witnessed many times personally in my work -- and as this story so clearly illustrates.
About the Author: Shari Strong is the creator of The STRONG Blueprint(TM), a structured, individualized self-development plan that helps you figure out how to find purpose in your life by first identifying your strengths and talents, so you can harness them and achieve your goals. To receive a free copy of her book, Embrace Your Inner Critic: A 5 Step Guide to Embracing Your Inner Critic and Get Unstuck -- This Week!, which discusses this plan, go to and it will be emailed the same day.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Empowering Yourself With Subliminal Mind Control

Subliminal mind control through the use of the subliminal messages has proven to work perfectly well for some individual. On the other hand, some people do not really believe that the mind control techniques do work. However, research from various learning institution and stake holders have shown that subliminal mind control can play a major role in your life.
Basically, what happens when it comes to the subliminal mind control is that subliminal messages are sent below the threshold that our conscious minds can actually percept. The subliminal messages can take any form. It can be in the form of olfactory, visual and as well sound. The reason as to why the subliminal messages are acting at all times in your life is due to the fact that you are surrounded by massive messages in your living areas. Such messages are collected and sent to your subconscious mind without your knowledge. After that, the same messages will be recorded and registered in your mind. With time, you will begin to change the way you act, behave or think. This is due to the shift of belief in your mind due to the new adopted messages.
People are now aware that using subliminal messages can be the best way of studying and getting information deeply stored in your mind without any element of it being erased even after a considerable period of time. The non-conscious learning is being now used as a tool for many people. The technique of photo reading greatly relies on this method.
There are great numbers of sales person who have adopted this method so as to prevent the increased case of shoplifting. People have claimed that through the subliminal technique, the theft has definitely reduced and people have made a lot of savings since they are not incurring the loss due to the act of shop theft. There are a number of offices that have already installed the system in their businesses for the purpose of inspiring personnel. Some have already bought a black box and are even using it to boost their subliminal mind control activities.
All over the globe, there are subliminal mind control devices that are being invented. People have embarked to the use of such gadgets so as to increase their intelligence. CIA is a big security firm that has endorsed the use of the subliminal messages so that they can successfully manage to take control into the activities that they are undertaking.
Some people claim, and especially those who have had the experience with the subliminal techniques that for the subliminal messages to have impact in your life, you must play it repeatedly for at least 1000 times. The playing of the messages should take place in an environment that facilitates the use of the alpha brain wave. This is important in that the message will be able to deeply penetrate your mind.
It is high time that you should also join others and try to make use of the subliminal mind control technique because even if it fails, you will lose nothing.
Click Here to get your Free 'Secret Success Package' and transform your life in amazing ways!

Monday 22 April 2013

How Inspiration Leads to Success

When we're inspired, we can truly create anything. It literally changes our perspective from a glass half empty to a glass half full. We are inspired to dream big and do big! Life is exciting! We feel unstoppable - like we can change the world. It's these feelings that fuel us forward. It's this inspiration that drives us to achieve big goals and do great things. It's in this place that we need to stay and operate from.
When we live in an inspired place, we can also see with total clarity how our past experiences shaped who we are today. None of our experiences are bad. They either show us when we're getting off course or when we're on track. Either way, they always serve as a lesson in taking us to the next level. Would we have chosen to sometimes learn the lesson in a different way? Sure. The reality though is our experiences were stepping stones to get us to where we are today. When we look at things with a positive perspective, we can see every lesson we learned and how helpful it was in our growth.
The other great aspect with being inspired is that we have more faith. We have a stronger ability to trust that we will live our purpose and achieve the goals we want to achieve. This is vital for actually doing it. When we know our success is certain, we can focus on being of service to others and living our purpose. Abundance then follows. Pretty amazing right?
Becoming and staying inspired may take a little work. If you need help getting inspired think about movies and books you love, and analyze why. There will likely be some hidden gems in there about what is important to you. Once you know what inspires you, connect with that every day. I like to call this our bigger "why". Why are you in business? Is it to make a difference in the lives of others? Is it about giving back to a cause you feel strongly about? Is it about providing a wonderful life for your family? For me it's about having the freedom to create whatever I desire and showing others how to do the same. This fuels me forward. This is in the forefront of my mind every single day. This inspires me.
In terms of staying inspired, set yourself up for success by creating an environment that enables you to thrive. Surround yourself with like-minded people who lift you up and make you feel good. Read or listen to books that motivate and inspire you. Take time for yourself to make sure you're really feeling good. Uplift yourself in whatever way works for you. Stay in this place as often as you can, and make decisions from this and only this place.

Friday 19 April 2013

The Business Of The 21st Century!

The days of getting a job and keeping it until you retire with a gold watch and a pension are over which I am sure you have all heard this message with the current state of the economy, why then are our children still being taught in school to get good grades and find a good job and everything will be fine?

A good education is very important and finding a good job is still a good thing but you cannot believe that everything is now fine because quite frankly it's not!! Job security is gone and it's not coming back any time soon, getting a job is merely the first step on the ladder and if you don't climb the ladder they will come along and take the ladder away and put it next to someone who will do what you do for less!!

The world we live in is a tough and brutal place and whether we like it or not we are either moving forwards or backwards by default, you cannot play it safe in life because life by it's very nature rejects protectionism I am convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that the future generations have to be taught that after getting a job and an education that is when our self education begins, we do have to work hard to get a job but we must work harder on ourselves "formal education will earn us a living but self education will earn us a fortune" as the late great Jim Rohn said, we just work full time at our jobs but we MUST work part time on our fortune it is now just a matter of finding a vehicle to take us to that fortune and that's why "The Business Of The 21st Century" is a must read book.

Robert T. Kiyosaki is the author of this the latest book in his series (he is the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad) and he tells us all what the business of the future is because for simplicity and low start up costs compared with all other business models it is unbeatable, if you are in Network Marketing or thinking about getting involved then you need this book, I urge everyone to leave the 9 to 5 and take your future into your own hands and make this your decade, we all could do with a good year but how about a good decade? Let the next decade be better than the last, read the book!!

Tuesday 16 April 2013

How to Allow More Financial Abundance and Prosperity In Your Life

A question I come across often from people who express doubts about the law of attraction is: If the law of attraction is a valid law, how is it that it does not seem to work for everyone? Armed with the various techniques they have been taught, such as visualising their abundant life, creating vision boards and using affirmations endlessly, some may have spent endless days and months trying to attract abundance and prosperity into their life, without much success. The short answer is: for the law of attraction to work you must put yourself in a state that allows abundance to flow to you easily, without interruption or hindrance.
The Power of Thought
The first thing to understand is that the key to manifesting abundance lies in your thoughts and what you focus on. Whether positive or negative, the law of attraction states that you attract whatever you think of most. Even thoughts of what you do not want will bring about more of the same, more of what you do not want.
The same applies when it comes to manifesting financial abundance. Manifesting financial abundance is a simple process, but it does not work for a lot of people because what they do is focus on their lack of money. Focusing on scarcity attracts more scarcity. Take as an example someone who is trying to get out of debt. By thinking and worrying about being in debt they actually create more debt, even if they may be taking practical steps to try and get out of debt.
Therefore one of the first steps to manifesting financial abundance is to be continually improving the way you think about money. Not only is it important to keep improving your thoughts about money, but it must be done in a very deliberate and consistent way. If, instead, you keep focusing on the things that worry you about money, or the many things you wish you had but you cannot have because of your lack of money, then you will just keep creating more of the same in your life. You may think you are focusing on money but you will actually be doing so in a negative way. Therefore, you should make sure you focus your thoughts on the positive aspects of money and abundance and not think about the things that bother you about your lack of it.
Living the Dream
However, it is not enough to simply improve the way you think about money. Another vital step to manifesting financial abundance is that you must truly believe it is possible to attract more abundance. This is very difficult when you are constantly preoccupied with thinking and dealing with life's problems, seemingly caused by your scarce financial resources. The way to overcome this lack of conviction is to see yourself as already living the life that will be when you have the things you want. By associating yourself with people who already have the things you want in life, through reading books and stories about their lives and surrounding yourself with visual reminders of such things, you in effect program your brain to believe it is truly possible.
In addition, in order to manifest financial abundance, it is important to keep yourself in a constant state of allowing, not just in relation to money, but in all areas of your life. Take a step back from the hustle and bustle of life and think about how you feel each day. If you find yourself in a state of such negative emotions as anxiety, anger and frustration, then that is a sure a sign that you are blocking abundance from flowing to you. In order to allow abundance, you need to be in a more positive, uplifted state of emotion because that is the only energy that is compatible with abundance. When you enter into a state of allowing you elevate your vibrational frequency to a level where you come into alignment with abundance. As a result, the abundance starts to flow to you easily. You develop a deep foundation of trust and belief that the universe will always provide for you, and that you have access to all of the abundance you could ever want. Allowing is not just thinking these things, but it involves feeling them deeply in your emotions.
Put yourself in a state of allowing more abundance in your life by clicking the link.
Find out why manifesting is something we do naturally by clicking on the link

Saturday 13 April 2013

Fail, Fail, Fail, Next Stop Is Success!!

I know it's becoming a cliche but This DID CHANGE MY LIFE at least it changed my business life, my thinking has been turned upside down, I am in network marketing and the biggest fear for me was rejection which leads to "stinkin thinkin" and hardening of the attitudes if you let it before you do let fear control your life read the book and listen to the CD's I am talking about.

Let me explain why my thinking changed, I attended a seminar with my network marketing company and it was the usual day entertaining, exciting changes, full of energy and a guest speaker, ok nothing new here we have brought some great speakers to the UK such as Darren Hardy and Chris Gardner which were both superb but this year we had Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz, I must confess I had never heard of them before and if you haven't they are the authors of Go For No and I cannot recommend them enough if you are in business, experienced or new or maybe thinking of starting a new venture let Richard and Andrea guide you to financial freedom and I know that is a big statement, I wish I had heard of them years ago then I would have a bigger bank statement!

Richard and Andrea are a married couple that have enjoyed laughing in the face of fear and failing on their way to the top, Richard was in sales and very good at it but there was something missing he didn't like the word NO but who does?
As he was talking it hit me like a tonne of bricks the only difference between successful people and failures is that the successful ones didn't give up and that failures thought that when they fail they think that they have hit the end of the road.

Failure is an event not a person and when we fail we simply keep going, success is on the same path as failure it's not back the other way, we have to adopt the ant philosophy when ants hit obstacles they look to go over them, under them or around them and never turn around or give up ants are not problem concious they are solution concious, we have to be the same but the sad thing is we ALL start off not fearing rejection from the moment we can talk as a small child, when you were a small child and you asked for something off your parents and they said NO how much notice did we take of them?
Can I have a biscuit? No would cry your mother or father then what would happen? did we give up at this point? We would ask again pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease No would be the reply, pretty please, No would come the answer again, pretty please with a cherry on top, Oh for god's sake just have a biscuit.

So what happened to us as we grew up and where did the fear of rejection come from? somehow we are all programmed to think that failing is bad, I can't explain it but Richard and Andrea can so let them and check out Go For No now right now.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Are Your Goals Empty Or Full?

My sales manager gave me and each sales team member a big yellow envelope. He then asked us to write down our goals for the year, place them in the envelop, sign and seal the envelope and pass them in.
I recall this event vividly as it was my first sales meeting ever. It was 1980 and I had just joined an office equipment sales team. Being new to sales I did not know what to expect so I went with the flow. I recall the feeling of empowerment as I wrote my goals down - a feeling which lasted at least until late afternoon. To this day, however, I do not recall the goals I wrote down.
The Price Is Right
The TV game show 'The Price is Right' has been on air almost continuously since the late 1970's in one form or another. Contestants are asked to "Come on down" by the host and exhibit outbursts of emotion as they are overwhelmed, with audience encouragement, as the progressive list of prizes is unveiled and then given the opportunity to win.
What would happen if the curtain was drawn back and there was nothing there and the host said "Tonight you are going to name your own Prize".
I suspect, after the initial shock and stunned silence, the contestant might make some suggestions for the prize pool.
I, like most people on the planet, find it is much easier to let others determine goals. We wait for the curtain to be drawn back, our goal revealed and we get excited at the prospect of a large reward.
Game shows have done well in all cultures. I can recall a few 'winners' however it is more common contestants will leave with just a small prize. Often you will see a contestant who could walk away with a reasonable prize risk it all for the chance to 'win it all'. After all, they came with nothing they may as well take the risk.
The reason this happens is the contestant has not yet taken ownership of what is already theirs. Contestants who have clearly defined outcomes, for example 'a second car for the family', will take a reasonable prize pool as they mentally take ownership of a well defined preset goal. Once a link is established with a goal they are totally engaged with it is easy to stop and take the prize.
Goal setting is probably the most talked about topic in business and sales. Nearly every business plan template I know includes a section on specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and time-framed goals, or similar. In sales goals are set for sales volume and margin often with account or territory specific goals.
Most business and sales goals, however, like New Year's resolutions, are either abandoned within the first few weeks of them being set or, if engaged with, create limits in the mind o the person the has been set for. The key reason for this is the goal is not linked by the person setting out to achieve it to one of their own goals. Even if a goal is emotionally accepted, the plan to achieve that goal needs to be set and embraced as well.
Empty goals
When challenged most people are able to rattle off a few of their life goals;
  • "I will be a millionaire by the time I am 35"
  • "I will run a triathlon"
While both of these goals are great, to achieve them you need to embrace them as your own and commit to actions to make them happen.
If I was working in a sports store and my manager said "This year everyone in this company will run a triathlon this year" most people would accept it as a goal intellectually but not engage. This is like in the game show opening the curtain and finding out what you are playing for. In this case it might not be so pleasant.
To embrace a goal you need to be fully engaged emotionally and intellectually.
  • "I will take my love of natural products, identify ways to make this into a thriving business and create a lifestyle around this where I can bank one million dollars by the time I am 35"
  • "I will set daily, weekly and monthly goals for cycling, running and swimming so I can successfully complete a triathlon before I turn 30"
Perhaps the sports store manager could engage everyone, and perhaps get a few others to join in, by saying "This year I will be doing a triathlon to support the Children's hospital. If anyone want to join me the store will support you with all the equipment you need. I would also encourage others to support this cause by supporting this important cause". Leadership, allowing everyone to engage in a personal goal in the best way they can without feeling guilty.
The difference is the new goals are personal and easily embraced emotionally and intellectually. They allow for setbacks and mixing up of short term goals to ultimately achieve what your main goal.
From that first sales meeting I learned the power released in the process of setting goals and the importance of creating goals. It is in embracing the goal as your own, creating the daily, weekly and monthly target and measuring the small successes where he real power of goals lie.
Today's question and actions
Who is setting your goals? Are you in charge or are those around you setting default goals? Here are two things you can do to take charge today;
1. Identify four or five things which you are passionate about. These could be simple things like "I want my son to talk more with me about what is going on in his life" or challenging like "I will climb Mount Everest". Whatever it is you need to be fully engaged with the goal and really want it to be so.
2. Take some time to plan out what you need to do every day, week and month to make this a reality. Make at least three calls with you son each week. Walk further up the Devil's staircase each day.
Setting goals is great. It is setting goals you are fully engaged with which will change your life.
Have a great week!

Sunday 7 April 2013

Fear Doesn't Have To Be Frightening!

There are as many fears as there are people in the world. Fear of flying, fear of cats, fear of dogs. There's even a fear of Styrofoam! Fear is an emotion which discourages, hinders or stops us from living victorious lives!
That is it's only purpose. All fears wear masks. Fear doesn't want us to see its true face. If we did then it would cease to exist. Please do not confuse fear with common sense. Common sense is attained through learning. Each day we learn through trial and error.
Common sense acts like a trigger on a gun to protect us from harm.
What I am speaking of is fear of the unknown. It's a small inner voice that whispers, "what if you fail? What if you don't succeed? What if your families expectations aren't met? What if he or she isn't the right one after all?" What if? You get the picture.
Our biggest fear is failure. It's linked to embarrassment, incompetence, feelings of inferiority and inadequacy.
The opposite of fear is confidence, a feeling of accomplishment and the realization that you are enough. Fear loves to hide in our subconscious. Left to its own devices, it can build an impregnable force in our lives. Like a professional thief it steals our hopes and dreams. Fear robs us of our health, possible relationships and new experiences.
All because we fail to answer the simple question, what if? The remedy is simple. Answer the question! For example. New business ideas fail everyday, but in order to succeed we must fail! Failure is just a test of our ability to get back up again! It's the stepping stone to all learning! Below is an example of one man's desire to succeed:
>Failed in business at age 31.
>Defeated in Legislative race at age 32.
>Failed again in business at age 34.
>Overcame death of sweetheart at age 35.
>Had a nervous breakdown at age 36.
>Lost an election at age 38.
>Lost Congressional race at ages 43,46,48.
>Lost Senatorial race at age 55.
>Failed to become Vice President at age 56.
>Lost Senatorial race at age 58.
>Elected President of the United States at age 60.
This man was Abraham Lincoln. This is proof that the fear of failure is simply learning!
He realized that trying anything produces a result or outcome, not a failure. What happened when you first road a bicycle? Did you fall? I did many times! Did you say to yourself, that is the last time I'm riding a bicycle? Of course you didn't. Like protein is the building block of muscle, so failure is the main ingredient to any new task we undertake. It's a requirement for success! Expect failure to visit your marriage, business, playing a new instrument or anything that requires a heart investment. Don't set out to fail. Rather ask questions, seek advice and answer the what if's of your life! Your success is closer than you think!!&id=7591801

Thursday 4 April 2013

10 Things You Can Do NOW To Be A Better You!

1. Stop the negative self- talk
Your thoughts become your reality, so start to become aware of the inner chatter and consciously stop flooding your mind with dis-empowering thoughts. Make it your mission to catch yourself out in the act and replace negative self-talk with an empowering affirmation to snap yourself out of that bad habit.
2. Clear the fear
Set out to do something that scares you. There's no better way to feel empowered than feeling the fear and doing it anyway! Make fear your motivator rather than your immobiliser. Fear extinction will not only feel stronger but this help you grow both mentally and emotionally by creating a positive response that will help you to continue to counteracts future fear responses.
3. Pick a mantra
Having your own empowering mantra is a great way to power-up, keep focused, ease anxiety and calm the mind. Choose an affirmation or phrase that has special meaning for you by thinking of a problem that you often face and developing a statement that reverses that problem. Your mantra can be spoken silently or out loud and is a great way to develop a positive mindset.
4. Offload baggage
Negative feelings only serve to weigh you down. Make peace with someone you have had a fall out with. Get things off your chest, take any lessons learnt and let go. If you can't do it in person, then write a letter about your feelings and wither send it or store it somewhere. By releasing negative feelings you are healing yourself by clearing energetic and emotional blockages that may be keeping you stuck.
5. Spend one minute in silence
Sitting in silence for even one minute can heal, relax, and reconnect you to your inner self. We are all so busy trying to stay uber-connected with the world that we forget the most important thing is to remain connected to ourselves. Enrich your life by harnessing the power of silence for at least 1 minute a day and you will start to experience the subtle things you normally miss.
6. Eat yourself happy
Examine what you put in your mouth and how it affects you emotionally, mentally and physically. Food has been proven to be linked to happiness. According to food psychologists, the top five mood-enhancing foods are asparagus, bananas, sunflower seeds, pork and brown basmati rice. Aim to cut out at least 2 junk food items and replace them with healthier choices. Once you start feeling more energetic you will be motivated to change your eating habits for good!
7. Don't compare
Snap out of the bad habit of comparing yourself to others. Comparing yourself is a useless exercise that only serves to feed insecurity and feelings of inadequacy- or on the other extreme feeling of pride and arrogance. Keep yourself in check and find your own authentic inner power by ceasing to look for re-assurance and validation outside of yourself.
8. Laugh till it hurts
Let loose and laugh from the core of your heart because it's good for your health! Laughing not only floods your body with all sorts of feel-good chemicals, it also boosts circulation, your immune system and helps more oxygen be delivered to your cells. Make it a regular routine to catch up with friends you can share a laugh with, go watch a comedy show or rent some funny DVD's.
9. Be grateful for something every day
Adopt an attitude of gratitude. Think of something that you are thankful for every day, from the laughter you share with friends, to the food on your table or the ability to breathe effortlessly every moment and be alive! You will start to sleep better, feel better, exercise more and develop certain contentment in life that eradicates stress and contributes to overall health.
10. Have Faith
Remind yourself that everything will be OK. All problems have a solution. As things move and change, have Faith that everything happens for a reason and to help you learn and grow. God is working things out. If you hold firm belief that things will turn out for the best, they most likely will.
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Tuesday 2 April 2013

All About Motivation and How It Works

Motivation is an important ingredient in any body's life which helps them move forward with great passion and determination to reach their goal. Motivation helps a person to be stronger and it booms one's confidence and encourages individuals to work maximum to their capability. Psychologists define motivation through the theories like drive theory, the instinct theory and the humanistic theory.
Components of Motivation
Motivation mainly comprises of three major components and these components are activation, persistence and intensity. Motivation aims at making all these three things possible, then only a person can reach the goal.
Activation is the process of initiating something.
Persistence is the process of continuously applying effort with the aim of accomplishing a goal in spite of the hurdles that comes in between.
Intensity: It deals with the concentration or vigor with which an individual has set to accomplish a goal.
Types of Motivation
Motivation can be very broadly divided in to intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation arises from oneself, it can be considered as a self-realization which may arise when you do the difficult tasks successfully. Extrinsic motivation is the kind of motivation that may arise from the outside of the individual. These kinds of motivation may come in the form of rewards, money and even as social recognition.
The Acts of Motivation
Motivation is the spark in you, the real fuel in you or can be considered as an innovative idea in you that helps you to move forward with a great speed in accomplishing your aim. The various methods through which motivation can be acquired are
Read all those articles from any magazines or books that can inspire and motivate you, don't spend time in reading rubbish things, be specific with the books of your choice.
Listening is another way through which you can be motivated. What you need to listen is some motivating speeches or some songs that can motivate you.
Another way to get yourself motivated is to watch movies, videos and animations that have something to deliver for strengthening your confidence and willpower and make you keep moving forward.
Now, you need to dream, as many personalities have said, your dreams are your future. Dream about how you want your life to be, these dreams form a rough sketch of your future on which you need to work for making them a reality.
The Results of Motivation
Getting motivated by various things around may not help you to be a successful person, there are certain things you should do one you get the motivation of accomplishing your dreams. The various things that you need to do are
Write down your aims and dreams in a personal diary or somewhere so that you can read it daily and make yourself realize your goals each and every time so that you make yourself equipped always for accomplishing them.
Writing down your dreams is not enough, you should plan when and how are going to accomplish your dreams.
Evaluate your dreams and find out the genuine ones for which you really need to put your effort and time to make them real. Speak about your dreams to the people who understand you and the ones who can guide you. This can make you feel more confident about your dreams.
You should keep working hard for reaching your aims. Get motivated and motivate others, always be positive in your attitude and stay away from negative things. Keep yourself moving with positive energy.
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