Monday 17 March 2014

Jim Britt | 3 Traits That Keep You Stuck In Failure

Sunday 16 March 2014

GMO Foods, Are They Worth Buying?

Genetically Modified Foods: Are They Worth It?
Also referred to as genetically engineered foods, genetically modified foods are created by scientists in a laboratory setting by inserting genes from one organism into the DNA of another. The procedure is intended to create food products of better quality and to achieve great commercial success.
Some foods are genetically modified to prevent allergies, while others are created to increase their shelf life. Experts are working on creating genetically modified foods that have the ability to treat certain diseases.
Although developers of GMOs ensure that such foods are safe for consumption, the majority of people are against them.
Let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of genetically engineered foods.
Advantages Of Genetically Modified Foods
Pest Resistant: Every year farmers suffer losses due to pest infestations in their crops. Consumers avoid eating foods that are cultivated using pesticides, so growing GM foods helps eradicate the use of pesticides and reduces the cost of bringing the food to the market.
Disease Resistant: There are numerous viruses, bacteria and fungi that cause plant diseases. Developers of GMOs are working to create plants that are resistant to these diseases.
Nutrition: Malnutrition is one of the major problems faced by many third world countries. People are dying because of the inadequacy of necessary nutrients and minerals. Genetically engineered foods are higher in nutrition than traditional foods. Also, they taste better. Experts are also trying to create foods that contain additional vitamins and minerals in order to alleviate nutritional deficiency.
Cold Tolerance: Unexpected frost can destroy fields and crops. Genetic engineers have introduced an anti-freeze gene from cold water fish into plants such as potatoes and tobacco. Because of the presence of this gene, plants are able to withstand low temperatures that normally would destroy unmodified plants. Besides, GM foods have a high shelf life, which makes them very easy to store.
Disadvantages Of Genetically Modified Foods
Threat to Human Health: The biggest disadvantage of these foods is that they can be dangerous to human health. It is believed that consumption of GM foods can cause diseases to develop that are immune to antibiotics. Further, some experts believe that GM foods can increase the probability of forming cancerous cells.
Insect Resistant: Most genetically modified crops are created to be resistant to herbicides or to form their own pesticide in the form of Bacillus thurengiensis (Bt). Organic farming also includes the use of Bt, but very sparingly. However, acres of GM crops contain Bt. Experts believe that within three to four years, insects will become resistant to Bt.
Hidden Allergens: A study published in The New England Journal of Medicine pointed out that genetically modified soybeans contain proteins that can cause allergic reactions in people with sensitivity to nuts. Based on these findings, the sale of GM soybeans was restricted. However, the public may not be so fortunate in future since GM foods are not labelled and there is no way people can tell if food contains genes from species they are allergic to.
Religious Considerations: Genetic engineers incorporate fish genes into tomatoes to prevent them from freezing at low temperatures. Moreover, chicken DNA has been added to potatoes to increase their resistance to disease. Many people who are vegetarian may begin to wonder if the food they are eating is free from meat or not.
Genetically modified foods have the potential to eradicate hunger and malnutrition problems around the world. However, there are many ambiguities to this technology, and using it without caution can cause unintended harm to human health and the environment.
If you are interested in learning more about GMO's in our food and other health topics please visit us at

Friday 14 March 2014

Negative People: Why Are Some People Always Negative?

What is clear that is that life is not always a bed of roses: there are ups and downs and sometimes, there can be more downs than ups. For some people, there will be more ups than there are downs, but for others, the downs will outweigh the ups.
One might then come to the conclusion that one some people are luckier or more fortunate than others. And when this opinion is based purely on what is happening externally, it can seem accurate and what is true.
However, if one was to look within someone and see what is taking place there, they might soon see that there is a reason why they are experiencing more ups than downs. Or why they are able to see life in a positive light even though life hasn't always gone their way.
Different Types
So life is made up of different types of people and some people can come across as always being positive and happy and others can come across as always being negative and unhappy.
There will also be people who swing between the two and don't seem to stay in either option for very long. But whether one feels positive or negative, it will be a combination of what is happening externally and what is happening internally.
The Mind
In the external world, certain things can take place that cause one to feel positive, and at other times, things can happen that make one feel negative. But while the external world can play a big part in how one thinks and feels, so can their mind.
What takes place externally is interpreted by the mind and the interpretation that is made will play a part in ones thoughts and feelings. And it works the other way to; with ones thoughts and feelings impacting what happens to them externally.
Being positive all the time might be seen as being better than being negative all the time, and yet there are going to be down sides to this. One might be admired by some, but end up being labelled as being in denial by others.
And as life is not always pleasant, one would have to be in denial to always be positive. The mind works in polarities, so as a way to avoid pain, it can end up going to the other extreme. Therefore, one can end up needing to always be happy and positive as a way to avoid how they truly feel.
Based on this, always being positive or always begin negative are simply two sides of the same coin. One person is simply embracing how they feel and think and what is taking place externally, and another is doing all they can to avoid what is taking place.
When it comes to ones survival as a human being, focusing on what is negative is more important than focusing on what is positive. Placing ones attention on what makes them feel good might be pleasurable, but it is not necessarily going to ensure their survival.
Whereas, if one pays attention what is negative and therefore what is or what could be a threat to their survival, they are more likely to avid it and stay alive. This ability is surely one of the reasons why human beings have survived for as long as they have.
So it is in the interest of ones survival to focus on what is negative. However, it is easy for one to place their attention on what is negative, even when their survival is not under threat. And what we focus on grows, so it is important to monitor the minds tendency to focus on what is negative.
If ones attention if placed completely on what is negative and they are unable to see life in any other way, then this can be a sign that they are emotionally stuck. This is the world of duality and while there are 'bad' things, there are also 'good' things.
And while one can end up always being positive, as a way to avoid facing how they feel, they can also end up always being negative due to not consciously facing how they feel. So whether one is always positive or always negative, they are still being controlled by their trapped feelings.
These will then define how one thinks and their behaviour, as well as define their perceptions and this will then end up influencing their reality. The people they attract into their life and are attracted to, as well as the situations they find themselves in, will also reflect how they feel.
How one feels shapes their outer world and then their outer world ends up influencing how they feel on the inside. It also works the other way around; with ones external reality affecting their inner world.
If one is already full of negativity, it won't take much to put them into a negative state; that's if they are not already in one. And if one is fairly neutral within, there is going to be less chance of what is happening externally to have an impact on how they feel.
Trapped Emotions
When one has trapped emotions in their body, it is going to be a challenge for them to experience life in a way that is not negative. These feelings will influence their inner world and influence their outer world; so it can be hard for them to detach form what is happening and to see that they have become trapped in a cycle.
The following emotions can be trapped in one's body: grief, shame, powerlessness, hopelessness, rejection, abandonment and guilt, amongst others.
As these are released, one will feel different and therefore their thoughts and behaviour will change. And this inner change will gradually have an impact on ones outer reality. The assistance of a therapist or a healer may be required.
Prolific writer, thought leader and coach, Oliver JR Cooper hails from the United Kingdom. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation; love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With several hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behavior, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice. Current projects include "A Dialogue With The Heart" and "Communication Made Easy."
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Wednesday 12 March 2014

Is Eating Red Meat Really Bad For You?

Can You Really Have Your Steak And Eat It Too?
With all the bad press red meat has been getting in the media recently, it's no wonder it's one of the most controversial subjects in the field of nutrition. Over the last many decades, it has been to blame for every kind of health problem from heart disease to cancer, why? Because it makes for a great headline! However what the newspapers fail to mention is that there is a very big difference in the quality of meat you can buy in your local supermarket, and that red meat, especially from grass-fed animals is one of the healthiest and most nutritious types of food you can eat!
But There Are Studies Showing It Is Bad For You!
The studies claiming to show red meat having a negative impact on your health are what are known as observational studies, these studies have many downfalls and can only show correlation between two different factors, not actually prove they are conclusively linked. The outcomes of these studies may very well be down to the fact that after the public "health scare", those eating red meat usually lead a less healthy lifestyle, are more inclined to eat junk food, smoke and drink alcohol.
Just look at our ancestors, they consumed much more than the average modern man, and they still remained exceptionally healthy. Yes, the quality of meat was almost certainly better and healthier than the meat from most of today's factory-farmed, hormone induced behemoths, yet the fact still remains, they didn't suffer from many of the health conditions that plague us today, and you can get very high quality meat, grass fed and free from all the other nasty toxins that may be pumped into our animals, just by being sensible with which product you choose.
Nutritional Benefits.
Red meat is absolutely loaded with a huge variety of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and much more, all essential to maintaining a healthy, functioning, physiological system!
B Vitamins
It is a great source of B vitamins, these should ideally be consumed through whole food and red meat is a great way to ensure you get and adequate intake. It is a rich source of vitamin B12, this is vital to ensure proper functioning of nearly every system in your body. You also receive a massive variety of other B Vitamins from red meat, including niacin, riboflavin and vitamin B6.
Vitamin D
The vitamin D source in meat contains a metabolite 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, this is absorbed much more quickly and easily than other forms of vitamin D making it much more useful to the body. For people who don't get a lot of sun exposure or eat oily fish, it is a great way to get the vitamin D your body needs.
Again the form of iron contained in red meat (heme iron) is absorbed and utilized much more effectively than non heme iron. Consuming it in your diet becomes even more important for people suffering from conditions such as iron deficiency anemia or pregnant women, as iron is crucial for the growth and development of the fetal brain.
Zinc is an essential mineral that has to be consumed through the diet, it is a vital part of many functions undertaken by the body, a lot of westerners fail to get enough zinc in their diet as other sources of zinc such as shellfish are less common.
Other Useful Minerals
The meat also contains a significant profile of other minerals vital to your bodies health such as selenium, magnesium, cobalt, copper, nickel, phosphorous and chromium. Red meat also contains high levels of creatine and carnosine, vegetarians are usually deficient of these nutrients which can have detrimental effects on the brain and muscle tissue.
Protein And Essential Fatty Acids
An average 100g portion of beef contains over 20g of protein, and 10g of fat! As the nutritional industry starts to realize that a diet containing a moderate amount of fats, red meat should become even more important in your diet. Essential fatty acids are just that, ESSENTIAL! Your body needs them to survive! Saturated fat is not bad for you in moderation, in fact it's incredibly healthy and vital to life.
So To Sum It All Up
DO NOT shy away from eating it, whatever these studies may "indicate", they are not proving red meat is to blame for any modern health problems, it is just media scaremongering. Red meat is a great source of a multitude of vital nutrients that will help with nearly every physiological function in the body, and should be eaten on a fairly regular basis, and on another note, there is nothing quite as satisfying as digging into a perfectly cooked, juicy steak. So YES, You really can have your steak and eat it too!
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Tuesday 11 March 2014

5 Foods To NEVER Eat

These foods can REALLY sabotage you if you're trying to lose fat. You'll think that you're eating healthy, but really the foods you're eating may be worse than the junk food you normally eat! Even worse, you won't be mentally counting these foods as "cheating"... so you'll likely cheat with "regular" junk foods on top of eating the stuff that you think is healthy.

Monday 10 March 2014

How To Stop Caring What Others Think About You

Don't think too much
When you think you're being judged by the others, you're probably wrong. It's not easy to judge each and every person you see or meet and also keep in mind that people have their own worries, they don't have the time or desire to search for other people's flaws as well. You can test this by doing something differently and observe their reaction. Your friends or family would probably notice, but others just won't care.
Give yourself a High Five
Learn to catch yourself each time you're worrying about what others think. Remember the pattern of over-thinking and every time you do it, give yourself a compliment. That will boost your self-esteem just when it's needed to. When such moment occurs, give yourself a High 5, complimenting an aspect of your personality. Target the same thing or detail that you think people judge you about. For example: If you think that people judge you because of your loud laughter, try something like this: "I'm a happy person by nature and I'm trying to share laughter with others, which is always a good thing". See what I mean? Try to transform your over-thinking moment into a positive one.
Accept your uniqueness
Accepting yourself is not the easiest thing in a world to do. We all have our doubts and fears, but the important thing is how to manage them. When confronting with your self-doubts, this advice can help you in the process. First of all, you should write down the things you don't like about yourself. Now, take a closer look and see, if you can change them. Most things can be changed, but the main thing to remember here is your willingness to change. For example, if you want to lose weight, all you need is a little knowledge and a lot of determination. But it can be done much easier than you might think.
There are also some things that can't be changed, such as being taller. However, think the other way. Situation could be worse, right? Right. Accept things you cannot change and change those things you can change. Don't think about things you can't change, because that's just a waste of time. Besides, as the time passes by, you'll learn that some of those things aren't that important at all.
So, what have you learned here? I hope you've learned that people usually don't care as much as you think they do. You've learned that many things can be changed with a little determination and positive thinking. But most importantly, you've learned that the only opinion that really matters by the end of the day, is yours.
Read more articles like this on, a blog dedicated to empower and inspire people by spreading knowledge of self development and life changing stories to the world.

Sunday 9 March 2014

The Making of A Young Entrepreneur: Gabrielle Jordan

Gabrielle Jordan Williams is an author, entrepreneur, jewelry designer, inspirational speaker and philanthropist. She began her business, Jewelz of Jordan, at the age of 9. At 11, Gabrielle discovered her inspirational talents and received national recognition for her #1 Amazon Bestselling book, The Making of a Young Entrepreneur: The Kids Guide to Developing The Mind-Set for Success. With a portion of the profits, Gabrielle gives to organization in her community such as her local food pantry and charities that care for youth such as Smile Train and the Children's National Medical Center.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Health Benefits That You Gain With Meditation by Suresh Nanda

Meditation is a process that can help you in reaching the heights of relaxation and it has for Suresh Nanda as well. There are so many benefits that you get by practising meditation. The health benefits of this should be known before you really go for it. This can really help in accomplishing various pros that are related with health. It is suggested that every individual should have the habit of practicing yoga.
Increase in Immunity is the primary advantage that you get by practising meditation. This has shown much effective in the cancer patients from recovering from their illness. This practise is also a good one that can be helpful for the purpose of making the people help to have reduction in the risk associated with the recurrence of breast cancer. Meditation can boost the natural killer cells for the people who are aged and this can really help in having resistance towards the recurrence of the breast cancer. Emotional balance is another thing that can be obtained with the help of having meditation in the proper manner. It is really hard for this to be achieved in a complete manner but through meditation you can cure the ailments like the emotional states that are unhealthy and also neurosis. If memories that are emotionally soaked are removed from the conscious mind, then your mind gets freedom and also can be balanced in the better manner. This mental stability and balance can be considered as the great benefit that one can get by practising meditation.
Increase in fertility is another thing that can be accomplished with the help of meditation. In the case of men, sperm count can be reduced due to stress and also motility. Practising meditation can help the individuals to overcome this situation which can help them in boosting the fertility. Irritable bowel syndrome is another disorder that can be relieved with the help of meditation. Practising meditation at least two times a day can help you in getting rid of this situation.
Lowering blood pressure is another advantage that you get with the help of meditation. There is possibility for the body to be less responsive towards the stress hormones by making the blood pressure much low. Meditation can be really helpful in making your body get rid of the trouble associated with higher amount if blood pressure. Suresh Nanda states that you can acquire calmness and better mental health with the help of meditation.

About the Author

This article is completely on "Health Benefits". To get more tips on Health, Visit Suresh Nanda blogs, Suresh Nandaon twitter, Suresh Nanda on Facebook.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Avocado Health Benefits - Amount Of Calories And Nutrition

This Video presents the Avocado health benefits, explains why its a misunderstood food, why it is a super fruit. Its nutrition facts together with amount of calories are also presented together with useful tips how to integrate this miracle food into your weight loss diet.

Keep a Journal and Keep Your Sanity

Keeping a journal can be an asset to your mental health. It can save your sanity. Don't believe me? Well, try this little test.
Think about something that happened in the recent past that upset you. It could be an argument, a betrayal, and an angry client. Whatever it is, focus on how you felt; relive the experience.
How did it make you feel? Upset all over again? Well, now trywriting down what happened. Not only that, write down how you felt at the time, what you wished you'd done or said. Vent your anger if you need to. Put all your thoughts down on paper and write until you can't write anymore. Then assess how you feel.
I bet you feel better.
Writing in a journal is a safe place to rant
That's because writing down bad times and frustrations is a great way to release a lot of negativity in a safe environment. No one needs to know you have a journal in which you call your boss every name under the sun. It's your secret, your way of dealing with the negative thoughts and feelings that you associate with bad experiences in the past.
Keeping a journal is also great for coping with future worries. We are often emotionally "stuck" when it comes to past and imagined events. Worrying is a way of trying to deal with the unpredictable future and most of our worries are never warranted. But that doesn't stop them from making us feel unhappy.
Writing down your worries is a great way to focus your thoughts and analyse exactly what it is that you fear, worry about, want to improve or achieve and so on. Writing captures our myriad of thoughts on paper, containing them in a much more digestible way. When we worry, our thoughts tend to snowball and overwhelm us.
Writing gives us back our control. The act of writing puts you back in the driver's seat. After all, we should control our thoughts, not the other way round!
A journal can be your confidante
You certainly don't need to keep a journal religiously, writing in it every day, although it can definitely become a habit once you start. Instead, look on your journal as a means of talking through problems, ideas, hopes and fears without saying anything aloud. It can be your confidante, a nonjudgmental "listener".
Your journal is your private space where you can safely air your thoughts. If journaling ever becomes a chore then you simply need to stop writing in it until you feel the need to start again. Journaling should be something you find beneficial; it should never feel like another task to add to the list!
If you have never kept a journal before, all you need is a notebook and pen or, if you prefer, a Word document on your PC or a file on your Mac. Remember to keep it private; so don't mention your journal to anyone else in your home unless you know you can trust them not to read it.
A journal can lead to something big
I have been keeping journals since I was 12 years old and they are an amazing way to chronicle not only your everyday life, but also your dreams and ambitions. They help you better remember precious moments too.
I don't write in my journal every day and if I am busy I might not write for a week or two at a time. However, I usually come back to my journal because I feel the need to write and it's like returning to an old friend. Give it a go - I bet you will soon be hooked! And who knows - the experiences you write about might become a source of literary inspiration in years to come!
K Hutchings-Olsson is the author and owner of The Self-Help Sanctuary. The sanctuary offers an online haven for all your self-help needs, and is full of information, advice and tips. If you are looking to manage stress, create a successful life, build up your self-confidence or feel healthier in your body, mind and soul, visit The Self-Help Sanctuary and stay a while. You can find it here:

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Jim Rohn: The Keys to Having a Successful Year!

International Business Philosopher, Jim Rohn takes the stage to deliver an invigorating speech outlining how to have the best year ever. His inspiring philosophy will empower you to take action, get smart, and get going.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Things Everyone Should Know Regarding Health And Nutrition by Overland Mcguyer

A collection of tips on how to begin improving your diet makes the perfect starting point for a someone who wants to lead a healthier existence a bit easier. Below is a great example of advice that will hopefully assist the eager person into eventually into improving both their nutrition and their life.
Avoid factory farmed meats, eggs and dairy products. These products are filled with adrenaline due to the horrible cruelty experienced by the animals. Excess adrenaline will raise your levels of the stress hormone, Cortisol. This will cause you to experience excess stress levels, decreasing your level of overall health and happiness.
A famous saying that many people have heard over the years is that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Surprisingly enough, this is true. Apples are high in fiber, which is good for digestion and makes you feel full, so you don't feel the need to reach for sugary snacks, keeping you healthy.
Feed your children well right from the start to avoid problems with diseases such as diabetes, and obesity. A good nutritional foundation can mean the difference between a healthy life and one that consists of constant medical care. Help your children avoid problems in the future with good nutrition now.
Make sure your kids eat well by getting them involved in purchasing (or growing) planning and preparing meals. Involvement in meal planning and preparation always makes food taste better. This will also give you an opportunity to teach your kids about good nutrition - or to learn along with them!
When it comes to nutrition the power of a daily multivitamin can not be underestimated. With the fast pace of life in modern times, and the plethora of pre-packaged foods it has become very difficult to eat right. In order to get the nutrients your body needs make sure to take a daily vitamin.
An easy diet tip is to try to eat protein in every meal. Protein is more effective in satisfying hunger than high-calorie carbohydrates that often fill diets. For this reason, a small piece of grilled chicken and some veggies might be a better lunch than a couple of slices of pizza or a sandwich.
There are tons of different diets and eating plans out there available for anyone to grab. It should be noted however that the most essential plan of nutrition is the original food chart which incorporates all of the different food groups into a balanced diet. It is important to acknowledge that we need a little bit of everything in order to maintain a healthy body.
If you want to be healthy, you need to drink enough water. Your body is made up of roughly 60% water, and you lose it continually -- day and night. Rather than drinking large amounts of water at once, it is a good idea to always have a glass or bottle of water on hand and to sip it throughout the day.
Well, hopefully those tips were enough to give you a great start on what to do and expect when it comes to improving your nutrition. This collection was carefully constructed to help you learn what it takes to eat healthier and what your body needs to get from your food in order to keep functioning.

About the Author

Monday 3 March 2014

Body language, the power is in the palm of your hands.

Allan Pease is an Honorary Professor of Psychology at ULIM International University, who researches and studies selling relationships and human communication. He teaches simple, field-tested skills and techniques that get results. And he delivers his message in a humorous way, which motivates people to want to use. Allan's own experience and record in the field of selling, motivating and training is equalled by few others. He is a born achiever, starting his career at the age of 10.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Telling a Good Story - A How To Guide

This article was one I was originally going to call "Every Picture Tells A Story", but since the title was taken, I decided to use "Telling A Good Story" instead which actually fits what I am going to say much better. We must create a good story before it happens, or we must believe a good story before we see it. What I mean by "believe a good story before we see it" is this: We must create a winner before we are one. We must do the work, visualization and believing before we see the result. Make not a single mistake, it cannot work the other way around. If it did, we would not need practice or train for anything, we would not need ideas to tell the story to our mentalities about what to genuinely do in life. Everything would be perfect and there would not be any need for growth.
The power of life is in the stories we create with our efforts and without that effort and growth the would not be any reason to exist.
The things that keep us alive are ideas, goals and solutions to problems. Without anything interesting going on, life would not have purpose. So when I use the title "Telling a good story, a how to guide", I mean using ideas, goals and solutions to problems as the impetus to ever live better, not to "beat life at its own game" and "have not a care in the world". The consistent care is joyous survival, anyhow, and it is necessary or there would really be nothing to live for emotionally, spiritually, and finally physically or otherwise.
So, through our efforts we must create a good story. Bad stories are only created when we default to them by not genuinely creatively solving our problems and quitting too early.
Listen, there are not any shortcuts to real winning that is earned deeply. Without necessary essence there is nothing there except something you cheated for. For, within the fully toldstory is the purpose. Skipping to the end of a good story is never fulfilling as the old saying from childhood goes. The real loss is the sort of ease that "makes it" without genuinely earning it. I know, that sentence sounds cryptic in a way, but it is the complete and unvarnished reality of life. The real loss is the sort of ease that "makes it" without genuinely earning it. The full story is always the best.
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

Saturday 1 March 2014


William Li presents a new way to think about treating cancer and other diseases: anti-angiogenesis, preventing the growth of blood vessels that feed a tumor. The crucial first (and best) step: Eating cancer-fighting foods that cut off the supply lines and beat cancer at its own game. Many of society's most devastating diseases -- cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's, to name a few -- share a common denominator: faulty angiogenesis, the body's growth of new capillary blood vessels.