Thursday 29 August 2013

Inspirational Speaker - Wintley Phipps

Wintley Phipps is the most watched inspirational speaker in the world! Wintley is a speaker and singer who specializes in messages of hope, faith, and possibility thinking. Wintley Phipps is unique and memorable. He considers himself a "full-service communicator" who motivates and transforms lives through his magnificent voice and through his moving message. Book Wintley Phipps, a keynote speaker for your next meeting, event or conference. Contact Gold Stars Speakers Bureau at 520-742-4384 or

Monday 26 August 2013

The 5 Good Questions About Self Improvement?

  1. What is self improvement?

    • Self improvement is a choice, and we choose to change ourselves from within.

    • Self improvement is to become responsible of what we do, what we have and who we are.

    • Self improvement helps us to build our self esteem, our values and it takes discipline.

    • Self improvement is to take the needed power and control into your own hands to create the future you want.

    • Self improvement is a battle, a continuous struggle to transcend our weaknesses and limtations.It starts with knowing ourselves and having an aspiration of having a better life.
      On the battle field we need to carry appropriate luggage and armor. Choose a bullet-proof armor and this is self change. Self change is about changing our attitude, our behavior and our way of thinking.

    • Self improvement is improvement of one's mind, character and health.

    • Self improvement is not a rigid science. Many ingredients can be blended to produce a variety of self improvement dishes. Some random occurrences coming along the course of our life such as painful life (loss of job, loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, a natural disaster destroying all your possessions) or life threatening illness can be used to improve ourselves.

    • Self improvement is not just improving your mindset. It also involves improving your body and physical state. The mind and body are intertwined and both affect each other. Therefore, self improvement ideas should focus on both aspects.

  2. Who needs self improvement ?
  3. Everybody needs self improvement. Every person aspires to have a better, successful and fulfilled life. Self improvement is one of the tools that attains this goal.
    Every person is unique. Each individual has thousands of facets of his life that could or need to be improved.
  4. What are the results of self improvement?

  5. The results of self improvement is inner stability, personal development, self confidence, self appreciation and self esteem.
    Knowing that knowledge is power leads people today to increase, in secret their abilities, like acquiring better conversational skills, to get promotion. Each individual must take the reins of his future and control his destiny.
    Self improvement helps people to achieve his goal or accomplish his vision.
  6. What does require self improvement?

  7. It requires perseverance, patience, practice, thirst of knowledge and commitment. Just knowing what to do by reading books or attending seminar or listening to tapes will not give any results unless you choose to practice what you learn. Starting to buy or to subscribe to any self improvement program or to talk or to articulate what we should do is just the beginning but the main thing and the real test for us is to commit ourselves to practice what we preach or read.

  8. What are the kinds of self improvement programs?

  9. Self improvement involved many aspects of our life such as:
    - how to boost your self confidence?
    - how to get rid of depression?
    - how to realize our goals?
    - how to get a happy marriage?
    - how to lose weight?
    - how to sleep better?
    - how to improve memory?
    - how to get wealthy ?
    - how to manage people?
    - how to control anxiety attack?
    - how to speak in public?
    - how to be a leader?
    - how to live longer?
    - how to overcome fear?
    - how to get charisma?
    - how to eliminate bad habits?
    - how to exploit your brain's unlimited power?
    - how to find true happiness?
    - how to organize time and space?
    - how to live an abundant life?
    - how to have a positive thinking?
    - how to be a negotiator champion ?

Daniel RANDRIAMANANJARA invites you take action today to improve every areas of your personal life by setting up a membership account for $1 at Download your free Ebook Exercise Without Effort Here

Friday 23 August 2013

Listening to the Binaural Beat

When you were a kid were you fascinated by those dog whistles that you could blow, not hear but all the dogs in the vicinity would come running? The high pitch was something that only they could here, and though it seemed the dogs didn’t seem to arrive in droves as they did in the movies, it was enough for perhaps your pet dog to prick up his ears before sliding back into sleep.
Imagine being about to use auditory sounds that talked to different parts of your brain directly, instead of needing to be filtered though your thoughts and conscious mind. It’s a little like that dog whistle- you might not be able to understand or “hear’ what those sounds mean, but those parts of your brain it’s designed for sure can.
Our brains are fascinating things. Scientists still struggle to try and determine the very length and breadth of our brain’s capabilities. Study shows we use only a small proportion of our brains, but the potential in unleashing some of the parts we do not use is astronomic.
The problem is how to access these areas. Certainly regular meditative practices, a holistic lifestyle incorporating eastern practices such as yoga, and a healthy diet that doesn’t include plenty of mind numbing chemicals definitely helps.
However for many of us, that type of lifestyle is one we either try to follow but fall short, or don’t even really bother before. Reality normally includes way too much time spent in traffic, the stress of over due work and the chores that never seem to end. For most of us we need a short cut, a simple method of getting our brain trained to think and act to its fullest capacity,

That’s where Binaural Beats come in.

To read the PDF in full click the link below:

Thursday 15 August 2013

Why Not Me, Why Not You?

Why not me? That is all I have heard lately as people admire the successes of the Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg's and Sara Blakely's of our modern world. And you ask- why not me? It is pretty freaking simple people, it can be! Trust me when I say this- I hate sounding like a cliché too, but it is possible.
How the hell do you think that those people plus the hundreds of thousands of others that have capitalized on a life changing idea or product do it? It is very, very simple. They just take the chance and do it without looking back.
We as humans have a very easy time with making simple tasks difficult and easy decisions seem impossible. Why the hell do we do this? We do this because it is easier than the alternative- to actually do it. Nike has it right- "Just Do It."
It may seem scary at first, but you must embrace that feeling of doubt and uncertainty, because that is where magical stuff happens. It does not happen by embracing what society tells you to do which is to sit at your desk for 30 years, work a mundane job fulfilling someone else's dream instead of your own, work your 9-5 hours because that is what you were told to do, then drive home, and rinse and repeat this cycle until your miserable robot life comes to an end. But hey, he lived a good life as a drone. On the day when friends and family come to view you laying motionless on your back in a box they will ask, "What were his/her major accomplishments, what was their legacy that he/she left behind?"
Answer: They followed directions well and stayed within the lines of society and conformed to the rules of someone else. Does this sound like the mediocre life of most people you know? Maybe even yourself? Be honest now... I thought so.
This is NOT the life I choose to live. Yes, we all have a choice! Even when you think you do not have a choice, you are consciously making a decision to NOT have a choice. Think about that one for a second.
It is very easy to say, "I do not conform, that's not me, I make my own rules." I know, because that was me about a year ago until I said those two words that changed my life forever- I'm out!
In order to do something you first have to de-program yourself of all the garbage our society has corrupted you with over the course of your existence here on earth, and learn to be able to greet Ms. uncomfortable uncertainty with open arms and give that scary hag the biggest bear hug you can! Once you learn to recognize that specific feeling of uncertain chance creeping in on you, it will be up to you whether you open the door for the unknown to enter and change your life forever, or shut that door and contemplate the unknown. Then you will be stuck with the evil mistress of regret, and spend a fair portion of your robot life with the questions," If I woulda, if I coulda, if I shoulda."
To me, that is not a life. That is a day to day existence. Much like being a pinball being bounced around in a more serious game called life.
Once you're done making excuses for being a pinball, and fed up with the monotony of your Johnny 5 robot life, remember those two powerful words that helped me escape. And then, you will be the one facilitating how to replicate the path of your own successes.
Our reality is subjective and can be easily manipulated and changed by the conscious decisions we make every single minute, every single day.
Why wouldn't you want to leave a legacy of substance and have people comparing their lifestyle dreams to your reality?
Next time you are alone with your thoughts, comparing yourself to someone that you admire for whatever reason, stop asking the question- "Why not me?" Start demanding the statement-- "Why not me!",-Why-Not-You?&id=7932802

Monday 12 August 2013

The 7 Keys to Success

When I was quite young, someone told me, “If you want to be really successful, find out what God wants to you to do with your life and then dedicate yourself to achieving it”.
At the time, I didn’t really like that idea; I did not believe that my life could have any particular purpose and I did not think that anything God might have in mind would be of any interest to me in any case. Gradually, I have come to believe that what that person said to me, all those years ago, is true.
As human beings, we all share certain basic wants and needs: we have need for food, water, shelter, safety, love, respect and self esteem. We all share an in-built tendency, as Freud stated, to want to move away from pain and toward pleasure. This tendency is part of the human condition for our own good; it keeps us away from harm and generally helps us to make good choices. Most people settle for pursuing a career that satisfies these basic human wants and needs and never really think beyond them to what their life could be about.
Somewhere along the line, I came to realise that what God wanted for my life, and what I wanted, were one and the same thing. This understanding came after I had determined to find out what God actually wanted me to do with my life.
It was a profound moment for me. I gradually came to understand my inner hopes, dreams and deepest desires as being implanted by God. So pursuing God’s purpose for my life was, in fact, also pursuing my own purpose. When it really came down to it, I finally realised that I needed to look within to discover my own purpose and once I had found out what it was, it then became possible to dedicate myself to fulfilling it.
So my message to you is simple: it is time for you to wake-up! It is time for you to start thinking of your life in a different way. It is time for you to fulfil your dream - whatever that may be. That is why you are here on the planet right now. By finding and fulfilling your own unique purpose

To download the complete PDF click the link below:

Friday 9 August 2013

Brian Tracy talks about the Keys to Success

Brian Tracy does a great job outlining the character traits and habits that one must have in order to be highly successful.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

The Success Checklist

1. A Clear Vision: INTENTION.
Our mind processes millions of thoughts in a day. Do you know that your unintended, impulsive wish for having a juicy steak or that perfect martini or a drive across the hills or anything else, might be sabotaging your success?
It's good to have that martini or hang out with your mates or have a day off or whatever it is that you wish. But doing all of this when you are not "clear" (and let me stress on this "CLEAR") of what is going to happen in the future, imparts a negative element called worry in the back of your head.
So if you haven't, asked yourself this question - What Do I want? I suggest you do it right away.
Do not pay heed to thoughts like "how do I do it?" because when you do, you won't dream big. And you will again sabotage your greatest success which lies ahead. It's natural for these thoughts to pop up. So don't resist them or give in to them. Simply don't pay heed to them!
Just write down all the money that you'd like to have after a year from now. The car you'd like to have. The kind of house you'd like to live in. What kind of business do you want? Make it as clear as possible. Jot these down in your journal. And as you go about doing that, tell yourself this: "I do not know how I am going to do it, but I will find a way".
Once you have a clarity of the things you will have in a specific amount of time, you will see how clear and easy, making day to day choices become (provided you have the other elements in this checklist).You will worry less because you will be focused more with a clear state of mind.
"Our Intention Creates Our Reality" - Wayne Dyer
2. Faith & Visualization.
Sometime back, I had read somewhere, something that instantly changed my perspective: Faith is the antidote for fear.
And when I write this, I could feel it in every bit of my being. This is because I have personally experienced several situations where I have defeated my fear and even exceeded my goals, whenever I have had inexorable faith in a certain result no matter how difficult it may have seemed to achieve.
And what moulds your faith into reality? You got it: Visualization.
So what you need to do next is: Have faith that you will have, in your possession, everything that you mentioned in that list.
Do not worry about how, when and where. Let the higher intelligence handle that. It is this very urge of our reason which keeps us from getting the desired result.
Back your faith and plant in the pillars of support for your dream with visualization. Meditate into the state of inner silence and see yourself in possession of these goals in your mind's eye. And you need to feel the feelings of gratitude, satisfaction, and that sense of achievement you will have when these goals would have already been achieved. Feel them as vividly as you can, during your practice.
Do this day after another. And rest assured as you would set the right universal forces in motion. As you practice this, faith and visualization process, you will see that those questions, of how, when and where, that were thrown by your reason, will start fading out. And you will start getting ideas and notions that could lead you to achieve your goals.
You will draw the right people, the right opportunities and the right circumstances that would lead you to your goal.
I have found a thriving business, great friends, opportunities of success and most importantly, a strong and loving relationship this way. And I am continuing to prosper and grow more and more day by day.
3. A Plan.
Now that you have a list of achievements to be made, supported by the pillars of faith and visualization, you'll need a plan to get you there. Let me demonstrate this step to you:
John, a 25 year old chap, has following goals to be achieved by the end of 2016:

  • A stunning 6 figure income from which he will buy a car and a house of his choice.
  • A healthy body weighing 72 kg (about 158lb) with a good built.
  • An even stronger and better relationship with his girlfriend.

He builds a deep faith towards the accomplishment of these goals and tunes in to the higher frequencies of his mind through meditation. And then, he visualizes all that he would do when he gets there. The visualization is so vivid, that he actually hears his family and friends congratulating him. He could feel his heart racing when he would drive that dream car. He watches himself entering his dream house with his partner and he could see the smile on her face and feel the true sense of her happiness. He could actually taste the tanginess of the sun-dried tomatoes on that lovely wood fired pizza when he would throw out a party on receiving his 6 figure paycheck. And he could feel the state of health of his attractive, well-built body.
He does this day in and day out. Whenever he gets the chance. Slowly, he starts living in the sense of "belief" that he is that attractive, successful person with a six figure income and a great relationship. This boosts up his self-confidence and it shows up through his now, proactive and charismatic personality.
He starts noticing ideas and notions that may have been there before but he never believed that they could work out for him. He also begins to see every individual he meets differently and begins to find opportunities in every interaction.
His hobby of guitar playing (which actually was a true passion) becomes an idea. His popular pasta sauce recipe too, becomes another idea. He projects a successful self-image from the future and traces a path back to the present. And then he links all the opportunities to his dream and takes ACTION!
John gathers his resources and makes a great plan with the end result dominating in his mind. This self-organization gives him the time for building excellent health, wealth and relationships.
I would love to mention this quote here:
So dream big, have a clarity of thought, and live in that dream as often as you could to trace a path back (in your mind). Once this has been accomplished, you have won half the battle for all you have to do now is ACT!
4. Bold Execution & Persistence.
This step is all about ACTION! Once you have a plan backed by faith, you must act on it immediately. Remember that Attraction always finishes with "ACTION".
If you have been through the previous elements in this checklist, there shouldn't be any sign of fear surrounding you, during your course of action.
There may, however, be other interference like: peer pressure, competition, etc. Just remember a few things here (as they helped me a great lot and are still helping me out):

  • Do not let anyone, any circumstance or situation "control" you by instilling fear (of uncertainty, etc.) in you.
  • There is no competition out there. Excel and help others prosper with you. The only competition you will ever have is with you and only you.
  • You do not go on a sailing adventure with your anchors hooked to the shore.

Even if you don't have any solid foundation for a certain accomplishment (like a degree, experience, etc.), remember that for the bold execution of his voyage to the Indies, Christopher Columbus did not make use of any intelligence, mathematics or maps.
What most people do not understand is that a true attitude of persistence is a must for success. With faith, comes persistence.
Even though you might have to face several failures, remember that giving up is dooming yourself to one. So have faith in every situation. Good or bad.
In the words of Bob Proctor, develop a "Let Go and Let God" attitude. Just remember that a higher power is creating the bigger picture and all these small failures you may come across are a part of that architecture. You must go through them without giving up.
Every failure is a teacher. Your job is to be a great student and stick to your path. And in no time this attitude will lead you to your greatest success.
5. Gratitude.
The attitude of gratitude may be credited as the sole ingredient to success. I have experienced this enough to guarantee you that living in a true state of gratitude can open myriad doors of opportunities for you.
Gratitude is a very deep subject. Yet, the gist of it all is this: Stay grateful, no matter what.
If you have wealth, be grateful for that. If you don't, be grateful for the wealth that's coming. Now you don't know if it's coming or not. But here's the catch - when you start becoming grateful to what you don't have, you automatically build a strong faith towards it.
And when you can literally feel yourself floating in the ocean of gratitude for that one thing you want to achieve, you set all the forces of this universe in action to attract it to you..
My idea of gratitude is being grateful to the smallest of things which contribute to my being and this world around me. So if I meet you, I will be grateful for that. In fact I am grateful for writing this right now. And I am grateful that you are reading this "right now". And I am grateful for the air I am breathing right at this moment and this moment and this moment...
I hope you get the idea.
6. Humility.
Everyone is humble. Yet, most of us are humble when it comes to setting goals and dreaming. Now that's just not fair. Is it?
Most people understand humility to be the quality of being modest and respectful in terms of their social stature. Yet, from what I have learned is that this, is easy to achieve. A rather difficult task is being humble enough to listen.
Humility in the right context makes you a winner in two ways:

  • You become a "power house" of knowledge.
  • You become highly approachable.

Building true humility is a consistent practice on the road to success "and beyond". I stress on beyond as I remember a great quote:
Most certainly. We have often seen successful people to act in a "know it all manner". When you are in a state of mind where you think you know something that the other person is talking about, you are like a glass full of water. Nothing can fill in, no matter what. So you miss out the opportunity of learning something valuable that may come in the course of that conversation.
I don't know if it sounds big to you, but it's a great loss.
Since it is a consistent approach to develop deep humility, make it a habit to practice intense listening. Be crazy about it. Listen to a person even if you know what they are talking about and keep your focus on anything new that may come out. This is true humility.
Personally speaking, I am still working on it, but I have certainly observed great benefits from the small changes I have adopted.
7. Greatness.
Your final checkpoint is building your own greatness. It has little to do with the success you achieve, the wealth you build.
Your greatness is a true measure of the lives you touch. The happiness you spread. And do not wait for your success to arrive before you start working on building your own greatness. Work every day towards uplifting others. Be it your spouse, your co-workers, your employees, your suppliers, your friends, family etc.
Miracles will start unfolding as you get all those blessings from all the lives that you touch. You will feel one with everything and everyone in this universe.
Live a great life and help others live great lives. That's where your true greatness lies.

Saturday 3 August 2013

Raising Children Who Succeed

It is one of the most powerful things any person alive can do, to choose to raise a child. Whether he or she is a genetically related child or one you have gained from another family, a child is a life long commitment. It’s worse than a puppy!

There is a well known saying that to have a child is to wear your heart forever outside your body. TO some extent that is true. Think teenage angst was bad? It’s noting on the first time you have to deal with your own child’s heartbreak!

With our busy lives it is so easy to become geared up to making sure our children have all the essentials covered, such as food, shelter, learning to read and write, and all those important jobs done, that we forget that so much of what our children need us for is for us to impart a spark of desire in them to succeed, to become all they were made to be.

It’s the drive of many parents to watch their child surpass them in their life in some way. Whether it is with a talent, a discovered passion, or their standard of living, children should be able to combine what they learn from our mistakes, and our life lessons with the lessons and opportunities they themselves face and collate them together to succeed.

To have a successful child we need to create a childhood that breeds success. The best part about this is it doesn’t cost you thousands of dollars in private school fees or in plenty of extra curricular activities. In fact with just a little time, some listening and a whole lot of talking you can beat those things in most part hands down.

Helping a child succeed in today’s world is a little different than it was a few generations ago. Back then, it was considered wise to teach your child to become a salary and wage earner, working in a stable job from the moment they left school until retirement.

Success was measured by how long you stayed in the same job. Consistency and stability were the favoured attributes.

Then it was all about working your way up, about starting out in the business, any business and working your way up to the top, not worrying about whose toes you may step on on the way.

To download the complete PDF click the link below: