Tuesday 12 March 2013

Belief: The Quiet and Unyielding Power Behind Achieving Dreams

Who would you rather work for -- A boss who believed in you or a boss who didn't?
What attitude would you rather have -- Feeling eager for the day to start and believing that your steps bring you closer to [fill in blank]? Or waking up not really interested in what you're doing for the day not believing that what you do really matters to anyone?
How would you like to live your life -- As one who dreams and achieves them, e.g. having a family, losing weight, or new job? Or one who starts to pursue dreams and then doubts, stalls, or turns away when the ups and downs of "life happens"?
No matter your age, title, or economic situation, I've seen people turn their life, careers and relationships around, entirely, by believing! When you believe, not only does your mindset change, the environment around you also changes. Your personal conviction and progress towards your own dreams/goals, can have an enormous impact on other people's attitudes, determination, and fire in their hearts!
Unfortunately I've spoken to quite a few individuals who have quit dreaming about the things they want, because they've tried hard for so long and have given up. "Dreaming is for young people" states a person in his 40's. "My life is comfortable now; no need to upset the apple cart by adding something new." "It's just going to hurt, cost money, or I'll fail." "I may have to give up something I like or am used to, and I don't know if the new thing will be better, so why bother?"
We all have dreams... where are yours? Are they still alive and kickin' or did you bury them someplace? Having belief in your dreams and in your own potential to be successful is SO important for an energized life.
So, what's the secret to belief? Do you just count to 10 and make yourself believe that you're capable?
You have dreams. Imagine it. Imagine your goal. Thriving relationship. Successful product launch. Amazing career promotion. An easy 20 pounds off.
What's the secret to dreaming and believing you can achieve them? You grab on to it AND don't let go. What I mean by don't let go is twofold.
First, when you have a dream that's important to you, envision the emotion behind the BELIEF of getting your dream and don't let go. Notice the adjectives in the goals listed above, e.g. thriving, amazing, easy. Picture your goal and how you will feel as you start to reach them and when you reach them. Be sure to expand on this to include the trickle-down or pay-it-forward effects, i.e., the amazing positive impact on those around you by you progressing towards and reaching your dream. Examples:
An EASY 20 pounds off. Envisioning the emotion means... feeling your laughter as you try on that new dress and twirl around. Catching a glance at yourself in the mirror, with your shirt tucked in, and smiling as you notice your smaller belly. Feeling your wife's arms around you and her compliments about your new physique. Seeing your children follow your eating habits and feeling good about your influence on them. Noticing the added energy you have now without the extra cup of coffee. Realizing that your healthier choices/activities are a 'force for good' as you notice your behavior now being mimicked by friends, too.
Amazing career promotion. Seeing the paycheck increase, gives you a sense of increased security and "Yay, some play money!" Imagining the first day with your new team, and feeling relieved to see they are eager to get started and receptive to you being there. Learning from a couple employees you just met that they've heard many good things about you. Noticing how quickly and effortlessly you get up to speed in the new organization. Feeling happy that your peers are friendly, intelligent and helpful. Contributing in unique and worthwhile ways by saving the company money in your first month. Hearing a few words of appreciation by the staff about how well you preempted an internal conflict situation by setting the tone and expectation early on.
The second part of don't let go, is your unwavering commitment. You must be 100% IN. One hundred percent means it will happen. Partial commitment doesn't work! To reach something amazing requires that you do turn the handle and step through that open door into the unknown. AND that you do close the other doors that are not aligned with your new relationship, launch, promotion, lifestyle, etc.
It takes courage! You must say goodbye to the old reality -- things, people, ideas. Literally at times -- throw things out of your life that are not supportive of the new you and your goal. Protect your commitment by finding new things, people, ideas that are in synch will the new you.
The stronger your belief in your dream AND belief that you'll achieve it, the less room for doubt. The less doubt, the more action you'll take. The more action taken, the stronger your belief in success becomes.
If you find you need to amp up your commitment level, first remind yourself about the meaning of your dream and emotions of the process through achievement. Then ask yourself, "What if my life depended on it?" How would your commitment level change when the stakes are that high?!
Unwavering doesn't mean you're alone in this or imply that only those with very high belief in their abilities will be successful in reaching dreams or making a change in life. The unwavering commitment often includes positive influences and commitments from others to you, and from you to others. We all need friends or a coach who can adjust, cajole, align, re-center us when the time comes.
If you're leading a project or pursuit, or if a team or relationship goal, your 100% commitment is seen and felt by others involved. When others sense your commitment and BELIEF (whether quiet or boisterous) of SUCCESS, they nearly can't help but move with you towards the goal.
Everyone wants to be on the winning team! Everyone wants to work with the winning coach! If the coach doesn't believe in his/her players, or doesn't commit, then don't expect a good season. If the players don't believe in the coach, his/her goal, or feel a commitment to the program or title, then don't expect a good season. Additionally, how much more will the players enjoy the season, the growth, and camaraderie, when they have someone (self &/or coach) they can count on and something they believe in!
I hope this IS the season in your life for dreams to happen!
Theresa J. Swift, MS, CRC, is an executive coach, author, president of Swift Resolve Coaching. ( http://www.swiftresolveexecutivecoaching.com/ ). Swift Resolve Coaching specializes in leadership development and professional coaching for senior leaders. Accelerate your personal leadership. Give her a call at (888)794-3801. You can also sign up for Theresa's free newsletter.


1 comment:

  1. Wow this is awesome! And just what I needed to read. Thanks!
