Wednesday 6 March 2013

The Number One Trait of All Successful People

I'm sure if you've opened this article based on the title, you long to be successful at whatever it is you're doing. It doesn't have to be world-changing to thousands, but your success can change your world. We all want the change success brings to our worlds. Everyone has their own definition of success. Whatever your definition, there is one trait that all successful people share. They stay the course. When it's hard, when you're dancing to an audience of crickets, stay the course.
How to stay the course:
1. Remember past successes. You've had success at something, I'm sure of it. When was one time you did something that was hard, but you did it anyway? Sometimes we forget our past successes because the activity is second nature now. But the first time we did it, it was hard. Learning how to drive a car was a challenge. My first car was a stick shift. My dad taught me how to drive that car. After the 5th consecutive stall-out at a green light I'm sure he was questioning the wisdom in that decision (as were the cars behind us). But I eventually learned and was glad to have conquered that stick shift Chevette instead of giving up.
2. Make success - "not optional." Define success and determine in advance that you will pursue it. Quitting is not an option. Zig Ziglar once said, "When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there." Just because it's hard, doesn't mean it's wrong.
3. Think of the fun. Success is fun. When I ran my first marathon I felt like a total rock star. There were crowds along the road cheering me on. People I didn't even know calling me by name and encouraging me. When I crossed that finish line I felt like there wasn't anything on earth I couldn't do. All the months leading up to that day weren't always fun. I learned though that the real success happens in between the events; when no one is watching, when no one really cares, doing whatever it takes to make the finish line happen.
Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to simply stay the course. Anything worth doing is going to be a challenge. Even the Bible tells us to, "Not grow weary in well doing for in due season you will reap a harvest if you don't give up." Stay the course!
Sometimes it takes more than yourself to stay the course. A life coach can empower, equip and inspire you to stay the course. Kaylene Mathews is the President and owner of KSMLifeCoaching LLC. She offers both personal and group coaching services. Other offerings include PeopleMap assessments and training workshops for individuals, groups and corporate teams in the DFW area. For more information visit:

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