Saturday 9 March 2013

Goal Achievement Is Secretly Easy!

A lot of people believe goal achievement is really difficult. This is a completely understandable opinion to have, and one we've all held on to at some point in our lives. After all, if goal achievement were easy then we'd all have everything we've ever wanted, right? The mere fact that we struggle to grasp what we set out to accomplish seems to stand as a testament to just how difficult goal achievement really is.
And for a lot of people goal achievement really is difficult. They struggle and they strain and they work their butts off and they don't seem to move even one inch forward in their lives. For these people, which is a whole lot of people out there, accomplishing anything feel impossible.
But people don't struggle with goal achievement because it actually, objectively has to be difficult. They struggle with goal achievement because they pursue their goals with the wrong strategies, with the wrong methods.
With the right strategy, with the right method, goal achievement is not only easy- it's fun.
"Paralysis Through Analysis"
The main strategy most people undertake to achieve their goals begins with research. A whole lot of research. Too much research, in fact.
How can this be? How can you ever learn too much about something you're attempting to achieve? The more you know, the better prepared you'll be to take the steps you need to reach your goal, right?
Well, actually, no.
Don't get me wrong, a little research is necessary if you're going to achieve your goal. You need to have some idea of what you're getting yourself into. The problem most people face is researching too much and acting too little. Too much research results in stuffing your head with a bunch of methods which might be internally consistent and effective, but which seem to contradict each other, leading to a very confusing situation when it comes time to actually take action. And when you're faced with confusion, you're unlikely to act.
However, instead of getting confused some people research endlessly so they can find, or create, the "perfect" strategy for achieving their goals. These people fail because, even though they're seeking clarity, they never stop studying and start acting.
A little research is good and necessary, but action is the lever that will actually move you towards your goals, largely due to the momentum taking action, any action, creates.
Burning Out a Few Feet From the Starting Line
Of course, plenty of people take some initial actions on their goals and then quit before they reach the finish line. In fact, most people quit pretty early on when taking action towards their goals. They gather the courage necessary to step outside their comfort zone, they move forward a few feet, take a few steady steps, then turn tail and run. Why? Because they run out of the initial burst of emotional fuel propelling them past the first stumbling blocks and suddenly find the going too tough, ultimately conceding that the time just isn't right to reach this particular goal. So they give up. Sometimes until the timing seems better, sometimes forever, but either way they give up and stop moving towards their goal in the here-and-now.
All of this probably sounds all-too-familiar. Thankfully, moving towards your goals doesn't need to end in this common scene of failure.
Most people fail at achieving their goals because they rely entirely on that initial burst of emotional energy that propels them forcefully out of the gate but burns them out just as quickly. No source of emotional energy, like no gas tank, is infinitely large. All emotional energy will run out, usually sooner rather than later. Which means if you want to achieve your goals you need to run on a more reliable force than how you feel- you need to rely on momentum.
Rolling in the Right Direction

Fill a car with gas and it can only go so far before it putters out. Get a ball rolling in the right direction and it won't stop until it reaches the end of the road. Momentum trumps fuel any day of the week. Cultivate momentum towards your goal and you will reach it, as effortlessly as a rock rolling down a hill.
The key towards cultivating momentum towards your goals lies in constantly taking another step forward, no matter what. While continuously taking big steps will move you towards your goals quickly, it's better to take small steps, to keep that momentum going, then to quit because you've set too intimidating of a milestone in front of you.
As long as you keep taking steps forward, no matter how small, momentum will take over and you will reach your goal.
· Momentum is the secret of goal achievement.
· Continuously moving in the right direction is the secret of momentum.
· Knowing when to take a big step and when to give yourself an easy win is the secret of continuous movement.
Simple, right?
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