Thursday 15 August 2013

Why Not Me, Why Not You?

Why not me? That is all I have heard lately as people admire the successes of the Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg's and Sara Blakely's of our modern world. And you ask- why not me? It is pretty freaking simple people, it can be! Trust me when I say this- I hate sounding like a cliché too, but it is possible.
How the hell do you think that those people plus the hundreds of thousands of others that have capitalized on a life changing idea or product do it? It is very, very simple. They just take the chance and do it without looking back.
We as humans have a very easy time with making simple tasks difficult and easy decisions seem impossible. Why the hell do we do this? We do this because it is easier than the alternative- to actually do it. Nike has it right- "Just Do It."
It may seem scary at first, but you must embrace that feeling of doubt and uncertainty, because that is where magical stuff happens. It does not happen by embracing what society tells you to do which is to sit at your desk for 30 years, work a mundane job fulfilling someone else's dream instead of your own, work your 9-5 hours because that is what you were told to do, then drive home, and rinse and repeat this cycle until your miserable robot life comes to an end. But hey, he lived a good life as a drone. On the day when friends and family come to view you laying motionless on your back in a box they will ask, "What were his/her major accomplishments, what was their legacy that he/she left behind?"
Answer: They followed directions well and stayed within the lines of society and conformed to the rules of someone else. Does this sound like the mediocre life of most people you know? Maybe even yourself? Be honest now... I thought so.
This is NOT the life I choose to live. Yes, we all have a choice! Even when you think you do not have a choice, you are consciously making a decision to NOT have a choice. Think about that one for a second.
It is very easy to say, "I do not conform, that's not me, I make my own rules." I know, because that was me about a year ago until I said those two words that changed my life forever- I'm out!
In order to do something you first have to de-program yourself of all the garbage our society has corrupted you with over the course of your existence here on earth, and learn to be able to greet Ms. uncomfortable uncertainty with open arms and give that scary hag the biggest bear hug you can! Once you learn to recognize that specific feeling of uncertain chance creeping in on you, it will be up to you whether you open the door for the unknown to enter and change your life forever, or shut that door and contemplate the unknown. Then you will be stuck with the evil mistress of regret, and spend a fair portion of your robot life with the questions," If I woulda, if I coulda, if I shoulda."
To me, that is not a life. That is a day to day existence. Much like being a pinball being bounced around in a more serious game called life.
Once you're done making excuses for being a pinball, and fed up with the monotony of your Johnny 5 robot life, remember those two powerful words that helped me escape. And then, you will be the one facilitating how to replicate the path of your own successes.
Our reality is subjective and can be easily manipulated and changed by the conscious decisions we make every single minute, every single day.
Why wouldn't you want to leave a legacy of substance and have people comparing their lifestyle dreams to your reality?
Next time you are alone with your thoughts, comparing yourself to someone that you admire for whatever reason, stop asking the question- "Why not me?" Start demanding the statement-- "Why not me!",-Why-Not-You?&id=7932802

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