Friday 19 April 2013

The Business Of The 21st Century!

The days of getting a job and keeping it until you retire with a gold watch and a pension are over which I am sure you have all heard this message with the current state of the economy, why then are our children still being taught in school to get good grades and find a good job and everything will be fine?

A good education is very important and finding a good job is still a good thing but you cannot believe that everything is now fine because quite frankly it's not!! Job security is gone and it's not coming back any time soon, getting a job is merely the first step on the ladder and if you don't climb the ladder they will come along and take the ladder away and put it next to someone who will do what you do for less!!

The world we live in is a tough and brutal place and whether we like it or not we are either moving forwards or backwards by default, you cannot play it safe in life because life by it's very nature rejects protectionism I am convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that the future generations have to be taught that after getting a job and an education that is when our self education begins, we do have to work hard to get a job but we must work harder on ourselves "formal education will earn us a living but self education will earn us a fortune" as the late great Jim Rohn said, we just work full time at our jobs but we MUST work part time on our fortune it is now just a matter of finding a vehicle to take us to that fortune and that's why "The Business Of The 21st Century" is a must read book.

Robert T. Kiyosaki is the author of this the latest book in his series (he is the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad) and he tells us all what the business of the future is because for simplicity and low start up costs compared with all other business models it is unbeatable, if you are in Network Marketing or thinking about getting involved then you need this book, I urge everyone to leave the 9 to 5 and take your future into your own hands and make this your decade, we all could do with a good year but how about a good decade? Let the next decade be better than the last, read the book!!

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