Sunday 9 December 2012

What is Subconscious Mind

The dictionary meaning of the word conscious means to be aware of or to know, while sub means below or under. We could say then when the two meanings are put together that subconscious is an awareness of what's below or hidden from conscious view. When we ask the question what is subconscious mind the answer becomes much simpler to understand when the general meaning of consciousness is kept in the background of the mind and referred to simply as a state of extra mind awareness.

The substance of human consciousness itself is an awareness formed out of matter and energy whose frequencies of sound and light are condensed into words, thoughts, feelings and actions. There are many smaller streams of consciousness which make up a whole range of thoughts and feelings which occupy our consciousness in day to day living. (Something like 60,000 thoughts pass through our mind on average every day). Smaller streams of consciousness are created from main blue prints or patterns of mental consciousness whose vibrations vary in degrees of refinement. Such as for example thoughts whose substance is of a particular vibration and frequency which creates different patterns of consciousness such as spiritual, family, wealth, or career, and relationship patterns. In turn the main blueprints of each generic pattern are formed out of the one basic pattern of consciousness itself which is often referred to as cosmic or universal consciousness.
Conscious-Subconscious and Unconscious

In the context of this article on what is subconscious mind, human consciousness has been classified into the three main categories of consciousness commonly accepted by all. The subconscious is a level of consciousness that exists between the conscious and the unconscious level of mind. The conscious mind is the awakened state and is the most easily recognizable state of awareness. The conscious part of mind is the awareness we experience through our senses and the outside world and also the awareness we experience as a result of our thoughts and feelings and the use of our reason and logic. The conscious mind also draws upon experiences of the inner world such as those thoughts, feelings and images which are stored in our subconscious awareness.

The unconscious even though it is still a part of consciousness as a whole, is a different part of the mind awareness. It is a deeper level of mind energy where patterns of behavior are buried and usually referred to as collective archetypes that stem from the unconscious patterns of humanity’s genetic history. The unconscious exists as a quality of subtle awareness energy which is not noticeably recognized by the conscious mind. Archetypal expressions of unconscious energies pass through the realm of the subconscious where their meanings are interpreted as subconscious states of an individuals awareness to make them more suitable for comprehension by our conscious reasoning mind.

The subconscious is the receiver and transmitter of information between the conscious and unconscious. It is the retainer for behavioral patterns of consciousness in relation to, memory, genetic and cultural behavior, plus the genetic records of both humanity and an individual’s life history. Awareness of the subconscious is communicated in the form of intelligence via symbols, images and word pictures and abstract meanings. The subconscious is also the well trodden path to higher states of awareness where the soul and spiritual dimensions and divine and cosmic states of awareness can be found. It is through programming our subconscious desires and beliefs and values a person can tap into  and retrieve information via their intuitive awareness from these higher states of consciousness connected with the subconscious and beyond.
Re-Programming the Subconscious
The subconscious is the place to go to discover powerful desires and re-program beliefs and connect to one’s creative powers. A belief system is formed out of patterns of behavior which are created by emotions, thoughts, spiritual and physical plane experiences. Awareness of the kinds of beliefs which make up our impulses, drives, motivations, goals and accomplishments is part of subconscious reprogramming.
 Sub conscious beliefs are worth investigating for transformational changes because they hold the memory of thoughts, feelings and images we hold about life in terms of self- awareness and discovery of who we are and what we rightly believe in. By working out which ones are useful and which ones aren’t can give the right reasons for example for the accomplishment of goals and aims in life and also make them much easier to attain. Subconscious beliefs can be recreated, changed or transcended through self-knowledge and self-inquiry techniques.
Patterns of the Subconscious
Subconscious archetypes, symbols and images also form another part of the answer to what is subconscious mind. Subconscious archetypes are similar in awareness to archetypes of the unconscious however they differ in the sense that subconscious archetypes of a person are more likely to be identified with their individual beliefs and behavior patterns connected with their own particular subconscious awareness’s rather than the overall blue print patterns and beliefs of the collective unconscious of humanity even though they may draw from the group mind of humanity.

Subconscious archetypes stem from core beliefs and meanings of an individual’s innate characteristics in which they draw from and identify with to show them what their particular beliefs are and reflection of the type of thoughts and feelings they experience on a subconscious level. Subconscious archetypes reveal powerful traits associated with a person’s awareness of how they view their image and sense of self.

Symbols have their relationship with thoughts and feelings and reflect beliefs and patterns of behavior where comprehension of their relative meaning opens up the mind and increases extra perception in awareness of symbols as a form of guidance and which can give direction and greater purpose to life.

Images are the pictures and word pictures which are formed in the subconscious mind by our imagination. Development of awareness of subconscious images helps a person connect with their ideas and creative forms of expression. Along with symbols images are a way to access the beauty of soul and higher states of awareness. Every picture tells a story, is a truth which makes images an important aspect of subconscious awareness. Images are the seeds for the creation and visualization of new thought forms and feelings to appear from the subconscious which better serve purpose and patterns of new growth.

Use of subconscious image awareness can serve as a vital part in the conscious use of the imagination as a catalyst to attain to higher states of consciousness, where a person activates their creative intelligence through abstract thinking and ideas which are accessed through subconscious awareness’s as a means for giving them a better conscious expression.
Subconscious Principles

Principles of subconscious awareness relate to the creative moral power of sub-conscious mind activities. Principles help define the values of subconscious beliefs and mind awareness techniques. They help with the empowerment and higher states of creative awareness whose sub-conscious expressions are consciously expressed as a result of the minds attunement to levels beyond normal everyday awareness. As such subconscious principles are guidelines for the individual to use in subconscious exploration and travelling in relation to information about realities beyond the purely physical world.

When we ask ourselves the question what is subconscious mind the answer should also include the benefits as well. Some of the benefits of subconscious awareness are insight and discovery of new beliefs and ideas, greater self- control and awareness of one’s potentialities and a much better grasp of the nature of intelligence and the mind. Beneficial states of higher awareness and meaning are attained also as a result of the self –knowledge and the deciphering of symbols and archetypes whose images and meanings reflect the presence of higher states of mind awareness not encountered before which provide a person with a much more expanded and appreciative view of life beyond the normal boundaries of the conscious mind.
The subconscious supports the conscious mind. Life can be governed better through productive and affirmative changes of greater mind awareness caused by practical and productive use of the subconscious which a person can use as a means for achievements and purpose for meaningful discovery and initiative in new life projects and developments.         

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