Thursday 9 January 2014

Personal Development Tools - Time Management

Time management requires a structured mind. This will allow you to plan and organize things properly. It also requires that you have the willpower to go through with the schedules you have set for yourself. As part of your arsenal of personal development tools, it will require that you have: 

  1. A set goal. This could be anything from getting rich to achieving inner peace, to specific or immediate goals such as finishing a task for the day.
  2. An action plan. This is the breakdown of the main goal into easily achievable projects.
  3. A timetable. This will help you to schedule each step of the project, as well as to prioritize each project in the main goal you have set for yourself.

Materials needed for effective time management are clocks and watches, alarm clocks, an appointment book or organizer, a calendar, pen and paper, and recently there has arisen the option of a computer with time management software installed.
This method for structure and organization is essential for a personal development plan, wherein the other personal development tools that are used aside from time management are

  • planning
  • goal setting
  • affirmation/auto-suggestion
  • visualization
  • and measuring progress

A personal development plan is a means of self transformation, where there exists much material about methods, techniques, workshops, books, and programs devoted to the idea. This phrase is present in the fields of psychology, education, philosophy, and it is also a common phrase in the workplace. As it is, a personal development plan is not necessarily limited to these disciplines. The tools and methods are adaptable and can be applied to anything you can think of at all. These can be learned through reading self help books, by attending lectures and workshops, by listening to speakers who have mastered the techniques, and then by practicing what you have learned in your daily life. 
Methods for time management are especially useful for procrastinators, to help in maximizing their own time to achieve set goals. But taken as a whole, the personal development plan can be of help in goals such as developing innate talents, developing personal potential, improving ones self-knowledge and sense of identity, realizing one's life dreams, achieving one's aspirations, bettering one's quality of life, and such other goals. It is said to also influence the thoughts and actions of others in one's surroundings. This is through the power of positive thinking. Methods that are purported to achieve this are distinct from the methods of time management, planning, and measuring of progress; all of which is mostly done in the physical world. There are also personal development tools that are to be used in the realm of thought and imagination. These are the methods of creative visualization, self affirmation, and auto suggestion, all of which are done with the power of the mind. These are the methods that are said to influence physical reality as well as the self. The aim is to focus these thoughts on a positive goal.
For more information on this and other topics for personal development, goal setting, planning and much more, go to

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