Monday 8 July 2013

Give Me Liberty (From Fear of Failure) Or Give Me Death (Complacency)!

For many, the mere thought of failing an undertaking is almost worse than death. It can be emotionally painful and possibly costly, depending on your venture. It can also cause lingering feelings of guilt because you sacrificed your time spent with your family, friends, and hobbies to go after what turned out to be a losing cause. Whether you started a new business, sought a new position at another company, or attempted to write the next best-selling book, your dream was derailed and now you're back on square one.
While it's not a pleasant scenario to go through, you lived through it to see another day. As Benjamin Disraeli once said "I have begun several times many things, and I have often succeeded at last." As long as you're alive, you have the ability to reach any goals that you truly desire, and now you have a bit more wisdom to help you on your next quest.
With that being said, I believe that there are two other possibilities that are worse than failure. They can keep your real desires buried in the back of your mind. They can keep you bound in the chains of inferiority. They can haunt you with thoughts of "I should've... ", "I could've... ", or "I wish I had done... " for the rest of your life.
The two spirit robbing human frailties are never trying and mediocrity.
Never trying to reach your loftier goals means that you simply sit in your current situation and let your thoughts fester. You don't know if your idea or heart's desire is a life changer for you, your family, or to thousands of people you don't know.
You'll never see the results of your work, or know the edification to your life, and to the lives of those around you, with regards to your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being. You'll never inspire those that were waiting to have your product, see your art, or to hear your message. Sitting back and never trying to go for more in your life is the "safe" thing to do because, as we all know, you can't get hurt if you don't stick your neck out (written with tongue firmly in cheek). You'll never worry about failing because you can't possibly fail if you never try.
Complacency is bliss.
Mediocrity can be especially hideous because it lulls you into a false state of contentment. You may be comfortable with your work and lifestyle. You're not at the top of your game, but you're certainly not on the bottom of the heap. You could do a bit more, but why bother? "That's too much work. No one would notice anyway."
It's those thoughts and feelings that are associated with mediocrity that keeps you from achieving your level of greatness. Mediocrity is like treading water; you won't drown, but you're not going anywhere either. As with never trying, mediocrity allows you the luxury of not failing. You'll stay safely in the middle of the pack and never have to worry about failing. You're perfectly insulated from all that's happening at the edges of the pack.
However, if you're not careful, you can be swept away by a strong tide of changing attitudes and environmental factors to a place you'd like to avoid. You may find that your safety net of middle-of-the-pack mediocrity has broken and you'll be there all alone, with no place to hide.
Is that what you really want for your legacy?
If you want to avoid these two situations, you'll need to embrace the possibility of failure, or at least become reasonably comfortable with the thought of not succeeding.
Here are four steps to help you adjust your mindset and embrace potential failure -
1. Ask yourself "What's the worst thing that can happen to you if you follow this course of action?"
If the answer isn't death or bankruptcy, then there's a good chance that you'll survive any potential misfortune. Is there a chance that you may have setbacks along the way? Absolutely, but anyone that has achieved a level of greatness in their field has had to deal with adversity from time to time. The difference between them and the rest is that they didn't let their missteps keep them down permanently. When mistakes were made, they minimized the damage, corrected the error, and kept moving forward. You can do the same.
2. Do your research to formulate a sound success plan.
This is an essential step in any endeavor. You need to know the potential risks and the eventual rewards of your venture. Keep in mind that nothing of substance has ever been accomplished without taking on some risk. It's your mission to know the hazards, and to make contingency plans for the pitfalls that may occur.
Once you've made your plan, plot your course of actions with milestones to mark your progress. They'll help you stay on track and keep your destination in sight.
3. Avoid "paralysis by analysis".
While it's great to go into a venture with information, you can easily fall into a state of do-nothingness because you believe you don't have enough data, or haven't performed enough studies to take action. This is just a more engaged form of never trying. At some point, you've got to shove off and get going.
To avoid this very real affliction, gather and study the information from your research, then talk to those that have been where you'd like to go, or doing what you'd like to do. This is much easier now with so many social media outlets to make connections. Take advantage of this great opportunity to get real life knowledge from the experiences of those in the know.
4. Confront the fear of failure by taking action.
Nothing beats back the fear of failure like taking action and moving toward your destination. Once you start moving toward your goal, the possibility of failure gradually diminishes until you reach your point where your personal fear of failure has been outweighed by your progress and increasing confidence.
There isn't a person alive that hasn't had to deal with failure. This includes those that never tried to stretch their boundaries, and those that crave the imagined safety of mediocrity. If you're to achieve the greatness within you, you must embrace the fear of failure.
Will it be better than never trying or staying in a perpetual state of mediocrity? Ask the person you see in the mirror that question. They'll have your answer.
Why are you putting up with mediocrity? Is life passing you by? Are you doing what you really want to do? Have your vibrant dreams faded to only a flicker? Can you truly say that you're ready to make significant changes to get your life to the place where you are the "star"? Are you "coach-able"?
Leon Scott is a Certified Master Life Coach specializing in assisting college educated men and women between the ages of 30 - 45 clear the confusion and angst in their lives and getting them to a place of contentment, satisfaction, and happiness.
How does he do this? By bringing clear thought.and experience to you to help you map a course filled with action steps and achievement markers that will get your life to the place where you want to be.
To start your journey from chaos to happiness, contact Leon for a free consultation at We'll set an appointment to talk and to get you on your road to contentment.!&id=7830848

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